What to Expect Learning the concepts of AIS “Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself” (old Chinese proverb) Applying the concepts (Group Case) “What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing” (Aristotle) The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention rather than provide ready-made knowledge.” — Seymour Papert, MIT Part I Documenting AIS DFD’s Flowcharts Database Theory and Design REA Diagrams Part II XBRL What is it Basic skills Readings/Discussions 8/17/20152 ACG 4401
General Course Objectives You will be expected to prepare models of business processes, specifically: Data Flow Diagrams Flow Charts You will be expected to understand general relational database theory and design REA Diagrams Gain Understanding of XBRL XML XBRL, iXBRL, Corporate Actions XBRL UBL Secondarily, to become consumers of information related to new technology 8/17/20153 ACG 4401
Syllabus Highlights Dr. Steven Hornik Course Webpage: Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 2:00 – 3:00; Tuesday & Thursday 11:00 – 12:00 and by appointment Office: BA /17/20154 ACG 4401
TA Information 8/17/2015 ACG Sadly it’s just me during the summer
Text Book Accounting Information Systems, 13 Edition by Romney and Steinbart - we will be using a custom edition of this book ISBN: The Accountants Guide to XBRL 9th ed., by Clinton E White Available only at Systems Analysis and Design Wiki Chapter 9 Get A Gliffy Account – Web Based Modeling toolGliffy 8/17/20156 ACG 4401
Grade Components 8/17/20157 ACG 4401 Exam 1100 Exam 2 (REA)125 Exam 3 (XBRL 1-3) 75 Exam 4 (XBRL 4-6) 75 Romney, Steinbart Assignments (6x10) 60 XBRL assignments (5x10) 50 Total485
Assignment Reviews I will review your assignment before the due date if: 1.You are present in class when I cover the assignment material. 2.You submit the file(s) for review via Canvas and leave a comment 3.I will not provide a review within 2 hours of the due date, so that means past 10:00 AM 4.You must include your name in the filename submitted. 8/17/2015ACG 44018
Exams Via Canvas Testing Lab BA2, 104 Tests will occur on the date listed Starting at 7:00 AM Ending at Midnight (Except on Friday/Saturday) Multiple versions of the exam will be automatically generated I will NOT be present Do NOT attempt to exit and re- take the exam! NO MAKE-UP Exams will be given Testing Lab Procedures Testing Lab Procedures Valid UCF ID card required
Grading Scale A B B C C C D F 0.00 < 60 8/17/ ACG 4401
Exams You May not take an Exam until AFTER you’ve submitted your assignment: Model Assignment #2 (Flowchart) Integrated REA Model Schema iXBRL Multiple choice Matching Short-answer Problem solving / model building 8/17/ ACG 4401
WikiSpace You do NOT need to join our class wiki. 8/17/ ACG 4401