Current status of the compilation of nuclear reaction data presented in conference proceedings in JCPRG N.Furutachi, V.Devi, S.Evata, D.Ichinkhorloo, A.Makinaga, M.Odsuren
Nuclear reaction database Introduction The nuclear reaction data is required for the research and development in various fields, such as nuclear physics, astrophysics, nuclear engineering and radiation therapy. Hokkaido university Nuclear Data Centre (JCPRG) has compiled the nuclear reaction data produced in Japan, and presented the data through An international nuclear reaction database EXFOR Japanese database Nuclear Reaction Data File (NRDF)
Nuclear reaction/structure databases Nuclear reaction database Unevaluated experimental data EXFOR NRDF Evaluated data ENDF (Evaluated Nuclear Data File) JENDL (Japanese evaluated data for neutron-induced reaction) Structure database Unevaluated XUNDL (Experimental Unevaluated Nuclear Data List) Evaluated ENSDF (Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File)
EXFOR : The international nuclear reaction database NRDC centres and compilation responsibility EXFOR is maintained by Nuclear Reaction Dada Centres (NRDC) NRDC is coordinated by IAEA-NDS Compilation scope Neutron data Charged particle data (CPND) Photo nuclear data (PhND)
Compilation of Japanese nuclear reaction data in JCPRG Basically, the nuclear data is compiled from the peer reviewed journals JCPRG Compilation from new papers published every year 20 ~ 30 papers / year 2 ~ 3 papers /month Compilation from retrospective papers Year 1950 ~ 1980 Conversion of old NRDF file to EXFOR file
EXFOR statics During the last decade 20 ~ 30 papers /year ~ 10 papers from RIKEN and RCNP
Compilation of nuclear data from conference proceedings Basically, JCPRG does not compile the nuclear data presented in the proceedings without a specific reason, in view of reliability, and difficulty of the management of the preliminary data However, there are nuclear data which are not published in a regular paper for a long time. The investigation of proceedings is useful to catch the status of such nuclear data. Sometimes it might be better to consider the compilation of important nuclear data only presented in proceedings.
IAEA-NDS search the nuclear reaction data from peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings, and inform the papers that should be compiled in EXFOR to all centres Basically, NRDC centres are responsible for scanning of their domestic jounals Exfor compilation control system
Total number of conference proceedings that have nuclear reaction data produced at Japan found by IAEA-NDS is ~ 60 Any kind of action is desired We investigated the status of the nuclear data given in these proceedings (except for AIP conference proceedings) Proceedings scanned by IAEA-NDS Nuclear Physics, section A (NP/A) - 8 Conference proceedings by American Institute of Physics (AIP) - 16 Journal of Physics, Conference series (JP/CS) - 4 JAEA Conference proceedings - 22 Major international conferences - 9 International conference on Nuclear Data for science and technology (ND) International Nuclear Physics Conference (INPC) Symposium on nuclei in the cosmos (NIC)
Whether the nuclear data of proceedings have been published in peer-reviewed journals and already compiled or not was checked In this process, reactions, physical quantities, beam energies, which are needed to identify the nuclear data are logged for later check of data completeness and duplication To specify “same experiment” is complicated task
43 proceedings were checked Data in 19 proceedings have been already compiled from peer-reviewed journals We can not find data in 24 proceedings in EXFOR Yearnumber of papers There are old proceedings (oldest: 2006) that have data still not published in peer-reviewed journals
One EXFOR file can include multi references, if the nuclear reaction data obtained from “same” experiment. Example: E2110 (identification number) In this case, there are 3 references We can add references of conference proceedings to EXFOR entry with peer-reviewed journals → 19 proceedings are not necessary to compile conference proceedings
How should we treat proceedings that have data not published in peer-reviewed journals? There are old proceedings (oldest: 2006). One option is to compile them with discussion about reliability with authors. To specify “same” experiment is complicated task. Close communication with authors reduces this effort. Especially, data for nuclear engineering distributed in many papers occasionally. Cooperation with authors is essential for management of these data Discussion
We have investigated the status of the nuclear data presented in the conference proceedings. Requirement of IAEA-NDS is cleared to some extent by the present investigation and addition of references of conference proceedings to existing EXFOR files. Although there are very old proceedings that have data not compiled in EXFOR, careful discussion is necessary for the compilation of these data Summary