Lisa Bartlett Programme Development Manager
Brook – a snapshot Over 45 years experience working with young people Leading provider of sexual health services and advice for young people under 25 Speaking to over 1,600 young people every day
Brook’s mission is to ensure that all children and young people have access to high quality, free and confidential sexual health services, as well as education and support that enables them to make informed, active choices about their personal and sexual relationships so they can enjoy their sexuality without harm.
Clinical and support services Education and training Advocacy, campaigning, lobbying and influencing
Some of our challenges To continue striving for innovation and excellence To create a positive culture around sex so that the sex young people CHOOSE to have is good Raising the quality of debate Public perception of young people and sexual health To ensure we view teenage pregnancy in the context of other opportunities and aspirations that young people have
Teenage pregnancy matters As a cause and a consequence of social exclusion Need to overcome polarised approaches and responses to teenage pregnancy Challenge ourselves to reconcile the interests of different groups
Brook supports C-card Guidance published in 2008 Brook network of services engaged in development and/or delivery of C-card Department of Health funded consultancy support for developing C-card schemes
What is a C-Card Scheme? A free, confidential, co-ordinated service for young people that aims to: make condoms more accessible provide support give information about sexual health develop skills on how to use condoms correctly sign-post young people to other services
C-card: meeting standards You’re Welcome Quality Criteria (DH) 2007, underpins effective C-Card Condom distribution schemes A service can use the new ‘You’re Welcome’ self assessment toolkit Involving young people in the evaluation of their service can result in being awarded the ‘You’re Welcome’ Quality Mark
A Strategically Valuable Service A high quality C-card scheme can positively impact on a variety of Government strategies, targets and indicators for both commissioning and provider services and organisations: Public Service Agreement (PSA) National Indicator Set (NIS) Every Child Matters Outcomes Framework NHS Vital Signs (DH) 2008 Choosing Health White Paper (DH) 2004 Teenage Pregnancy Next Steps Healthy Lives, Brighter Futures The Children’s Plan
How does it work? C-Cards operate on the basis that users are required to register with the scheme This entails a consultation with a trained worker, before being issued with a C-Card Taking a flexible approach whilst ensuring minimum standards Recognised in a number of outlets
Just condoms? All C-Card schemes provide: Free condoms and lubricant Some area schemes offer additional services such as: Dental dams and Femidoms Pregnancy testing kits Chlamydia testing kits EHC (Emergency Hormonal Contraception)
A young person centred service (1) Young people can expect: A friendly, welcoming and non- judgmental service Where possible both male and female staff A free and confidential service adhering to the Fraser Guidelines
Accessible information and support: this may include safer sex, delaying sex, sexuality, negotiation, condom use, peer pressure A choice of condoms and lubrication Signposting to other services to enable them to take care of their sexual health A young person centred service (2)
A consistent standard of service throughout the C-card scheme venues Clear information and ‘held’ boundaries on what the service providers at registration or distribution outlets can and cannot offer A young person centred service (3)
A young person centred service (4) Information leaflets on sexual health issues, wider health issues and other services Clear referral and support to access other services where necessary
A Partnership Service (1) Supported partnership working and signposting between services is fundamental to an effective C-card scheme Is cost effective and frees up Tier 2 workforce Normally co-ordinated centrally, the scheme has a variety of local venues/organisations working with the co-ordinator
A Partnership Service (2) Having a co-ordinator : –ensures quality and consistency of service –maximises the number of outlets through which YP can access free condoms –delivers on the monitoring, collection and use of data –enables the participation of young people in service design, development and evaluation
Benefits for stakeholders Supports local area objectives Enables the rapid delivery of YP’s sexual health services to areas/target groups with no/or inadequate existing provision A ‘Foundational service’ that can provide data to support more intensive service development based on need
Benefits for young people (1) Accessible, to young people regardless of sexual orientation and can be inclusive of disabled young people Provides a quality, consistent approach Provides a safety net and opportunity to discuss issues when ready
Benefits for young people (2) Improved knowledge and approach to sexual health Participation opportunities and greater ownership of service Confidence to access adult services: C- card can provide a trusted gateway for the most vulnerable and isolated
What C-card means to YP “I decided to do it (register for C-Card) to know my Card’s there for when I’m ready… I’m not ashamed to say that I’m a virgin, I’m ready when I’m ready. I don’t want to do it because everyone else is doing it, you know what I mean” (Young woman aged 17) “When you first get the C-Card as well you like learn a lot of information and stuff, like with the induction, it teaches you that you need them and stuff so I think lots more people use them” (Young man aged 16)
What C-card means to YP “I think you really are independent cos you know that you’re controlling what happens kind of…..if you are sexually active at a young age, then at least you’ve got the thing there to say at least I can stand up and act for meself and take precautions and that” (Young woman aged 15) “Just made us more confident, like I know I’m more safe and that” (Young man aged 14)
Consider We cannot separate sex from the rest of young people’s lives A joined up strategic approach to Teenage Pregnancy, Sexual Health, Chlamydia, and Drugs and Alcohol at national, regional and local levels