Pharmaceutical Care Services Contract Dorothy Findlay Pharmacist NHS Lanarkshire – Primary Care April 2012
New Pharmaceutical Care Services Contract Minor Ailment Service (e-MAS)July 06 Public Health Service(PHS)July 07 Additional PH ServicesAug/Dec 08 Acute Medication Service(e-AMS)ongoing Chronic Medication Service(e-CMS) May 10
Minor Ailments Service Service is for patients who Are registered with a GP in Scotland Did not previously pay for prescriptions Do not live in a nursing home or residential care home
Minor Ailments Service Patients registers with pharmacy Patient presents at pharmacy Pharmacist offers NHS Prescription & advice Advice only Referral to other practitioner Patient counselled
MAS Statistics NHS Lanarkshire 100,315 Registrations /month 17,835 Rxs per month Some will be new NHS activity Some will be activity redirected from GP surgery
e-Minor Ailments Service Main indications by BNF Chapter Allergies Cold Sores Coughs Analgesics Dermatology Average cost £2.06 Total cost£478,548 (0.39%)
Some Changes to MAS NRT – not prescribable VIA THIS SERVICE since 01/07/07 “Chronic” Minor Ailment prescribing e.g. Hay Fever Allowed ( professional discretion)
Public Health Service Health improvement 4 x 6/52 campaigns each year Agreed between CPS and SGHD Bowel Screening Seasonal Flu NHS24 Be Ready for Winter Stroke Awareness
New PH Services Smoking cessationAug 08 Emergency contraceptionDec 08 ChlamydiaDec 08 Training provided for all pharmacists
Smoking Cessation Minimum dataset completion CO meters Smoking cessation facilitators – additional training – close liaison Successes very valuable
Sexual Health Services Emergency contraception & Chlamydia testing and treatment Dec 08 EHC- 76,635 items Scotland ( Apr 10- Mar 11) Chlamydia testing kits supplied from pharmacies & patient posts back to labs. Labs contact patient with result
Acute Medication Service GP produces bar-coded Rx (hard copy) E-message also sent to e-store Patients presents Rx in pharmacy Pharmacy scans bar code which downloads e- message Rx dispensed Pharmacist confirms dispensing – e-message sent to PSD No change in clinical practice More efficient ( in time) More data & quicker data about Rx/dispensing processes
Chronic Medication Service Long Term Conditions GP authorisation Patient registers with pharmacy Patient will have an electronic pharmacy based PMR & care plan Structured discussion with patient re compliance, how best to take meds, ADRs etc e-communication with GP practice Serial prescribing/dispensing 3 way partnership
Guess how much?
Total Cost ~ £1,400
£5 £36 £41
£59 £31