CAMP 4:4:3 Power Session 3: The Basics of Lead Generation
Power Session 3 Slide 2 The Basics of Lead Generation Introduction To succeed in real estate, you must have client leads. It’s that simple. Until you have enough leads (to meet or exceed your goals), there is no other issue. - The Millionaire Real Estate Agent 77
Power Session 3 Slide 3 The Basics of Lead Generation Introduction Objectives… 1)Review the Lead Generation Cycle for prospecting 2)Identify the Four Laws of Lead Generation 3)Review how to build your database 4)Identify how to feed your database every day 5)Define how to communicate with your database systematically 6)Review how to service all leads that come your way 77
Power Session 3 Slide 4 The Basics of Lead Generation CAMP Map 78
Power Session 3 Slide 5 The Basics of Lead Generation The Lead Generation Cycle Lead generation is a combination of two things: 1.Prospecting (seeking customers) 2.Marketing (attracting customers) 79
Power Session 3 Slide 6 The Basics of Lead Generation The Lead Generation Cycle Marketing vs. Prospecting The Meaning of “No” 80 Truth In the first 90 days, prospecting is more critical than marketing.
Power Session 3 Slide 7 The Basics of Lead Generation The Lead Generation Cycle Scheduling Your Time for Prospecting Lead generation is your most critical activity. Therefore, scheduling and protecting your prospecting time is imperative. The morning is generally the best time for prospecting, as it ensures you do not get caught up in other activities and lose the day. 81
Power Session 3 Slide 8 The Basics of Lead Generation The Four Laws of Lead Generation 82 The Four Laws of Lead Generation 1.Build a database. 2.Feed it every day. 3.Communicate with it in a systematic way. 4.Service all the leads that come your way.
Power Session 3 Slide 9 The Basics of Lead Generation 1. Build Your Database Mets and Haven’t Mets 83 Types of Leads 1.Mets –The people you know, your sphere of influence, such as friends, family, doctors, neighbors, or anyone else you have an association with. 2.Haven’t Mets –The people you don’t know or haven’t met, but would like to conduct business with in the future.
Power Session 3 Slide 10 The Basics of Lead Generation 1. Build Your Database Gary and the Box In these clips from the video Gary and the Box, Gary Keller discusses how he set up a database management system using a black box and a filing system. Technology Solutions The Technology Trap When technology intended for convenience actually ties us down and steals our time.
Power Session 3 Slide 11 The Basics of Lead Generation 2. Feed it Every Day Path to Your Goal Your daily lead generation goal is simple. Every day: 1.Collect 10 business cards (adding 10 people to your database daily). 2.Call 5 people. 3.Write 15 notes. Set aside time every day to feed your database! 86
Power Session 3 Slide 12 The Basics of Lead Generation 2. Feed it Every Day What Type of Business Do You Want? 87
Power Session 3 Slide 13 The Basics of Lead Generation 2. Feed it Every Day Expanding Your Mets Database 88 Simple Ways to Expand Your Database 1.Wear your name tag around town. 2.Talk to other parents at your child’s Little League game. 3.Talk to the person waiting in line at the grocery store with you. 4.Become involved in the neighborhood. Do something such as Meals on Wheels or start a neighborhood watch. 5.Start a networking happy hour.
Power Session 3 Slide 14 The Basics of Lead Generation 2. Feed it Every Day Exercise Opportunity’s Way Directions: 1.Break into pairs. 2.Come up with as many ideas as you can for ways to expand your Mets database starting today. 3.Share with the class. Time: 15 minutes 89
Power Session 3 Slide 15 The Basics of Lead Generation 3. Communicate With It In a Systematic Way Putting Your Contact Database to Work 90 KWR Systematic Lead Generation Techniques 8 x 8 33 Touch
Power Session 3 Slide 16 The Basics of Lead Generation 3. Communicate With It in a Systematic Way 8 x x 8 The 8 x 8 is a high-impact, high-saturation technique that is designed to put you in the number one position in the minds of everyone you add to your Met database.
Power Session 3 Slide 17 The Basics of Lead Generation 3. Communicate With It in a Systematic Way 92 Week 1Send or drop off a handwritten note with your business card. Every single touch should have a quick reminder and instructions on how to give you referral business. Week 2Contact the individual by phone to follow up. Week 3Send or drop off an item of value. Week 4Contact the individual to quickly touch base, ask if there is anything you can do to help, as for a referral, and ask for an appointment. Week 5Send or drop off an item of value. Week 6Contact the individual to quickly touch base, ask if there is anything you can do to help, ask for a referral, and ask for an appointment. Week 7Send or drop off an item of value. Week 8Contact the individual to quickly touch base, ask if there is anything you can do to help, ask for a referral, and ask for an appointment.
Power Session 3 Slide 18 The Basics of Lead Generation 3. Communicate With It in a Systematic Way Items of value included in your Tool Kit are… 92
Power Session 3 Slide 19 The Basics of Lead Generation 3. Communicate With It in a Systematic Way Exercise 8 x 8 Today Directions: 1.Break into groups of three or four. 2.Your instructor will assign your group to target either potential buyers or potential sellers. Create an 8 x 8 plan that you could start immediately without a lot of preparation time. Feel free to choose items from your Tool Kit. 3.Share your 8 x 8 with the class. Time: 15 minutes 93
Power Session 3 Slide 20 The Basics of Lead Generation 3. Communicate With It in a Systematic Way 33 Touch Touch The 33 Touch is a systematic marketing and prospecting technique, which ensures year-round contact with all of the prospects, business contacts, and past clients in your contact database. It nurtures your relationship with the contacts in your database and sustains ongoing communication.
Power Session 3 Slide 21 The Basics of Lead Generation 3. Communicate With It in a Systematic Way (cont’d) 95
Power Session 3 Slide 22 The Basics of Lead Generation 3. Communicate With It in a Systematic Way 95
Power Session 3 Slide 23 The Basics of Lead Generation 4. Service All the Leads that Come Your Way Classifying your Leads Truth Success in 90 days will require you to work with only serious buyers and sellers.
Power Session 3 Slide 24 The Basics of Lead Generation Assignments Power Session Assignments 1.Set up a contact database management system with either a paper filing system or with a software program. 2.Review the list of people you know that you generated after last Power Session. Add any additional people you have thought of or met. 98
Power Session 3 Slide 25 The Basics of Lead Generation Assignments Ongoing Assignments 1.Complete 10:5:15:5 a)Collect 10 business cards. b)Make 5 phone calls. c)Send 15 notes or letters. d)Preview 5 homes. Record your progress on the Success Grid. 2.Review the job aid Support Team Worksheet in your Tool Kit. Fill in any new people you have identified. Think about how you will locate the other individuals. 98
Power Session 3 Slide 26 The Basics of Lead Generation Assignments Something to think about… How can you strengthen the connections you already have with people? 98
Power Session 3 Slide 27 The Basics of Lead Generation We have talked about… 1)The Lead Generation Cycle for prospecting 2)The Four Laws of Lead Generation 3)How to build your database 4)How to feed your database every day 5)How to communicate with your database systematically 6)How to service all leads that come your way sum