By Giovanni and Alex
Our Aim: To find out which soft drink corrodes metal most effectively over a period of 24 hours.
What We Predicted: We found out that Sinalco™ had the highest pH with 3.5 making it the most basic of the drinks tested. While Coca- Cola™ had the lowest pH with 2.2 making it the most acidic of the drinks tested. Therefore we predicted that Coca-Cola™ would corrode the staples more effectively than the other soft drinks used, while Sinalco™ would corrode the staples the least.
How we did it: We placed ten 0.033g staples in 18 different test tubes which contained 5 ml of soft drink (3 test tubes per soft drink). After 24 hours we filtered the drinks containing the staples, dried the staples and weighed them, thereby finding out how much metal the soft drinks corroded.
The Results We Got: Our hypothesis was proven wrong, as Sinalco™ turned out to be the drink which corroded the staples most effectively, followed by Mountain Dew™. Coca-Cola was only the 3 rd most corroding drink out of the 6. Fanta™ was the drink which corroded the staples least.
Evaluation: Overall this was a good experiment as all of the metals were corroded and the hypothesis was proven wrong through experimentation. There are some minor improvements that should be made such as more regular drying of the staples after filtering as the water on them affects the weight, and keeping the balance in an air tight room as air movement affects the balance readings. This is important as the results deal with numbers of 3 decimal places.
The Workforce: Giovanni Marchini Alex Kjellgren The Science Department: Anne Bickel Jay House John Kenny Michael Ford The Firms: The Coca-Cola Company™ Pepsi™ Sinalco™ THANK YOU...