WATER We all must do our part to save water. Though our Earth is made up of 2/3 water Only 1/100 of that water is drinkable.
Water Water is the most common liquid in our planet, vital to all life forms. Water exists in all three states in nature – as vapour in the air; as liquid in rivers, Lakes, seas and under the ground; and as solid in the polar regions and snow – capped Mountains. It is the dispersion medium for all biochemical reaction of the leaving process and take part in many of these reactions. Water
Important of water in our life Water is Life. Water is the basis of everything that lives, tread it like that. More water , More Happiness. When there is no more water, then there is no more you! Water is where the life comes from. You don’t need slogans for water you need slogans for life. Save water save life. Saving water means saving the future of our planet. Don’t let your children blame you one day for leaving them without clean water. Helping Today For a Better Tomorrow
Water use in self-haul households Bathing Drinking Washing the Clothes
Water Requirements Drinking Cooking Personal Washing Washing Clothes Cleaning Home Waste Disposal Non-Residential Drinking
Water Cycle The circulation of water is the manner is known as the water cycle.
Sources of Water We need water not only for our biological survival, the way al living beings do. We also need it to irrigate (water) our crop fields, run our industries, and for Cooking , cleaning , bathing and so on. Where do we get this water from, or What are our sources of water?
Ground Water Transpiration Evaporation Condensation Process of Water Cycle Ground Water Transpiration Evaporation Condensation
Ground Water The water seeps into the ground which was a available for us is known as ground water.
Transpiration When the sun comes out an d heats up the water, it turns into vapour or steam.Helping to add vapour are the plants, trees and the land because they lose water too. This is called transpiration.
Evaporation Evaporation begins with heat. Heat from the sun makes water molecules start to move Around eventually, They bump around so much that they break free of the bonds that hold them together and float off as water vapour. The higher the temperature, the more molecules will Escape.
Condensation When water vapour in the air gets cold, it gets collected to form clouds. This is called condensation. As the water vapour in clouds condenses, It turns into larger and larger droplets. After a while, the Droplets start to fall. They may fall as rain, snow, sleet or hail. This fills up or lakes, stream and oceans On the surface of the earth.
Surface Water Rain water is the major natural sources of surface water. Snow is another sources of surface water.
What happen if it does not rain for a long period? Since it is not being brought back by rain, the soil become dry. The level of water in ponds and wells of the region goes down and some of them may even dry up. The ground water may also become scarce. This may lead to drought. In drought condition, it is difficult to get food. Draught Area
Water Resources In India Our water resources are good enough to meet our industrial , agricultural and domestic needs. Delhi gets its water supply from five rivers – the Yamuna, Ganga , Ravi, Satluj and Beas. It also utilizes groundwater. Yet , there is a shortage of water in many parts of Delhi every summer. This is partly because of overuse. Imp. Note:- India receives a lot of precipitation ( rain and snow) in comparison to the Rest of the world. The average annual precipitation (In India) is 1170 mm. While the world average is 700 mm. Note:- This data collected from CCE book
Rainwater Rain is our primary source of water. It would be more correct to use the term Precipitation. Which includes rain and snow. It is rain (and snow) that replenishes our sources of surface water and groundwater. Power-operated tube wells are used for irrigation
Rain Water Harvesting Collecting rain water in this way is called rain water harvesting. The basic idea behind rain water.
There are Two types Of Harvesting Traditional Method Modern Method
Traditional Water Another option is to allow water to go into the ground directly from the Roadside drains that collect rain water.
Modern Harvesting Rooftop rainwater harvesting; in this system the rainwater is collected from the rooftop to a storage tank, through pipes. This water may contain soil from the roof and need filtering before it is used. Instead of collecting rain water in the tank, the pipes can go directly into a pit in ground. This then seeps into the soil to recharge or refill the ground water.
Viewed & Helped By: Mrs. Neeta (TGT Social Science) & Mrs. Kiran Made By: Neelam Pandey DCC Facilitator SKV Chirag Delhi Viewed & Helped By: Mrs. Neeta (TGT Social Science) & Mrs. Kiran (TGT Natural Science)