Dr.S.P.Kandapola Arachchige Consultant Psychiatrist
Violence Murders Suicides Accidents Substance Anger leads to…… Violence Murders Suicides Accidents Substance
Anger (Temper, Rage, Hatrance) Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong.
Anger Anger is a normal healthy emotion we all experience. It is unpleasant to self and others. Most of the times anger control you instead of you control it. When anger gets out of control it causes problems.
Anger is a repetitive process and it worsen with time. If it does not control it will be a habit, affects other cognitions and become a bad personality.
Anger can be caused by some stimuli. External stimuli * Others * Objects * Events Internal stimuli * Thoughts * Memories * Images
Age Gender Personality Illness Frustration Environment Determinants of anger Age Gender Personality Illness Frustration Environment
Response to Anger 1. Physical health Hormones-Adrenalin Nor adrenalin Cortisol Diseases- Heart, DM, Cholesterol, BP, Immunity, Insomnia , Headache
Response to Anger 2. Mental Health Poor attention and concentration. Clouding of thinking. Poor memory. Unhappiness worrying thoughts. Restlessness and agitation. Irritability. Anxiety and depression.
Response to Anger 3. Social Health Family, work place, extended society. Relationship Problems. Criticism. Bad reputation. Poor trust. Poor respect. Poor success. Poor quality of life.
Reduce life span and prone for early deaths. Anger ↓ ↓ Reduce life span and prone for early deaths.
Psychology When a living being having an any kind of repetitive experience that leads to a relatively permanent changes in behaviour or knowledge as a result of that particular experience. Called LEARNING
Main determinants of Learning Environment. Conditioning. Reinforcement.
Anger and impulsivity is a learning process determined by, Environment, Conditioning, Reinforcement.
Learning Classical conditioning Operant conditioning
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Neurobiology of Learning Neuroplasticity
Neuroplasticity Refers to changes in neural pathways and synapses due to changes in behaviours, thinking, emotions, environment etc. Can occur in various levels from cellular to large scale like cortical mapping.
Neuroplasticity Modification of existing neuronal circuits and formation of new circuits. Neuronal changes related to maturation and physical changes are not Learning.
Brain- Mapping
Strategies to control Anger Relaxation. Distraction. Cognitive re structuring. Problem solving. Better communication. Changing environment. Avoidence, finding alternatives.
Management of Anger Reverse the maladaptive learning. ↓ Repetitive experience of reverse (good) thoughts and behaviours. Rdeuce anger due to conditioning with good thoughts.
Reverse conditioning can be combine with Mindful Therapy Anger management Reverse conditioning can be combine with Mindful Therapy
Mindful Therapy Most popular and effective psychotherapy today. Keep awareness of mind and thoughts and this will help to keep mind still. ↓ Reduce stress, sorrow, anger etc.
Practical point of view…. Meditation of Loving kindness.
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ffu;%S Ndjkdfõ wkqyia’’’’’ 01’ iqjfia kskaog hhs’ 02’ iqjfia msìfohs’ 03’ kmqre isysk fkdolshs’ 04’ ñksiqkag m%sh fõ 05’ wukqIHhkag m%sh fõ’ 06’ foúhka wdrlaId lrhs’ 07’ ji úi”wdhqO” .sks wdos wk;=re j,ska je,fla’ 08’ uqyqK meyem;a fõ’ 09’ u;l Yla;sh jeäfõ’ 10’ isysuq,d fkdù urKhg m;afõ 11’ urKska miq nU f,dj WmoS’
kys cd;s .ín fihshx mqkf¹;S:s’” “ osÜGsxp wkqm.ïuYS,jd oiaifkak iïmkafk` ldfïiQ úffkhsh f.aox kys cd;s .ín fihshx mqkf¹;S:s’” - f;rejka irKhs’’’ YS,fhka hqla;j fuu Ndjkdfjys fhfok mqoa.,hd ish÷ oDIaGska ¦re fldg ;%s ,laIKh ksjerosj oelSfuka “ ldudYdjka ¦re fldg kej; ujq l=il Wmam;a;shla lrd fkd meñfka’
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