Big Society Grant Fund Noel Singh Policy & Partnerships Manager Leicestershire County Council.


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Presentation transcript:

Big Society Grant Fund Noel Singh Policy & Partnerships Manager Leicestershire County Council

Big Society The Government aims to put power into people’s hands closer to where they live “shifting power from politicians to people”. (Decentralisation) There are 3 main planks to Big Society: – Empowering Communities – Opening up Public Services – Promoting Social Action

Leicestershire approach to Big Society Big Society is nothing new – we can build on what is already in place 4 local aspirations developed and agreed –Everyone can be involved in their community –Everyone has opportunities to influence decisions that affect them –Local people are able to shape and deliver public services –Local people and organisations grow the Big Society together Priority = “helping communities to help themselves”

Big Society Grant Fund – Eligible Activities Workshops/Training/Consultation events Support producing community/parish/neighbourhood plans Technical/legal/specialist advice associated with setting up a new project, service or facility (including architects, surveys, legal fees, insurance) Production of a Business Plan/Feasibility Study Piloting a service or activity to assess viability Set up costs associated with starting a service Contributions towards larger capital projects

Big Society Grant Fund LCC Strategic Priorities An ageing population/older people (including vulnerability and mental health) Troubled Families Unhealthy lifestyles (e.g. smoking, obesity, physical exercise) Economic Growth (including worklessness/ unemployment)

Big Society Grant Fund – Eligibility Funding to support development of new projects/activities that meet local needs Applications must demonstrate need/demand, community support and sustainability Applicants need to be “not for profit” organisations (includes Parish and Town Councils and school PTAs) Annual turnover of less than £500k per annum Non-constituted groups can apply for less than £1,000 Minimum of 3 competitive quotes for work of value greater than £5,000 All applications must be supported by local Elected member

Big Society Grant Fund £340,000 annual budget 5 Grants Panel meetings held in applications considered by the Panel (Total amount applied for = £1,026,661) 70 applications awarded funding (Total: £358,776)

Big Society Grant Fund Examples of projects awarded funding Expansion of Birstall Parish Council’s youth facilities and activities Expansion of a music recording studio at the Sir John Moore Foundation ‘Good Neighbour Scheme’ pilot in Melton Expansion of the Carpenter’s Arms service for homeless people/with substance use problems Business Plan for Melton Mencap, to help respond to the Personalisation agenda

Big Society Grant Fund Examples of projects awarded funding Feasibility study for Market Harborough Historical Society to develop a business plan to explore options of making the Museum more community-led in future Contribution towards costs associated with Hermitage FM acquiring new premises/expansion of activity Surface footpath between Anstey & Thurcaston villages – works undertaken by community volunteers Contribution towards the costs of refurbishing space within a local Church to run a volunteer-led community library in Huncote

Big Society Grant Fund Projects who have had funding approved have effectively demonstrated: –Evidence of need/demand from the community themselves –Evidence of social action/community empowerment –Evidence of feasibility and viability of the project/activity –The development or delivery of new projects/activities, or a way of extending previous/existing activities to meet the needs of a wider range of beneficiaries

Big Society Grant Fund round of Grant Fund launched earlier this year Revised criteria Two Grant Panels held in 2012 (July and October) 33 projects awarded funding (total £146,760) Next Grant Panel scheduled for December 2012 Further Panels next January and March 2013

Big Society Grant Fund – Contact Details More information is available on the website Contact us by on Telephone Main contact is Andy Hayes (Communities & Places Officer)

Any Questions?