Should teenagers be allowed to get an abortion? By Cheyenne Giguere
The Issue There is a controversy of the political, moral, ethical, and practical justifications dealing with the acceptance of abortion (especially with teens); whether or not it be legal, is abortion okay?
Questions: - Should teenagers be able to do as they please even if that means they require an abortion, or abortions, at such an early age? -Does abortion effect more than just the life of the child being aborted? -Where does the government draw the line for what should be considered life, or what should be considered murder? -Should abortion be legal in only certain circumstances (life threatening/rape) -Is it only specific groups who have problems with abortion (religious groups, activists, etc.) -Do women carry the right to their own selves even if they choose the fait of another being?
Assumptions/ Viewpoint Society views teens as irresponsible and too immature to make the overall decision on whether or not to get and abortion, especially at such a young age. The child aborted can obviously effect the teen (physically and mentally) along with plenty of others, such as peers changing their view on that person based on their decision. I personally feel an abortion for a teenager shouldn’t be done unless the teen is in extreme danger of serious harm (life threatening situation). More than just certain groups of people have their own views on abortion, everyone does. People in the same “group” can each carry their own personal opinion. Women should be able to have the right to decide what to do, because it is their own body. But if making abortion completely illegal is the only way to get teens to realize the harm that abortion can bring, then maybe that’s what needs to be done.
Logical Fallacies Women’s rights appeal- Women should have their own rights to their bodies Appeal to Convenience- The thought that since a placenta isn’t a child its easier to get rid of it than it is to deal with the responsibility of a child Social Appeal- Since society views it as shameful to be a pregnant teen, and abortion is legal in some places, that makes it seem okay to get an abortion
Conclusion- Pro Potentially saving yourself from an 18 year commitment Save hundreds of thousands of dollars by not having to pay for diapers, clothes, etc. Maintain your healthy physical and mental lifestyle Avoid ridicule, name calling, and discrimination from your peers In some cases, you save your own life and health by not caring a child full term Be able to continue high school or college education much easier
Discussion: Con Unborn babies are human beings from the moment of conception Abortion can cause psychological damage Studies indicate that getting an abortion can lead to future complications dealing with conception. Abortions can cause a higher chance of miscarrying Getting an abortion has a high chance of leading to feelings of guilt and even depression. Abortions can cause judgment and discrimination from peers.
Bibliography "What Are the Pros and Cons of Abortion?" WikiAnswers. Answers. Web. 04 May "The Three Most Common Views on Abortion." Civil Liberties. Web. 05 May "Teen Abortion Facts." LIVESTRONG.COM. Web. 05 May