Abortion. What you need to know: What an abortion is. What the law says about abortions. When you think life begins. When various religious traditions.


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Presentation transcript:


What you need to know: What an abortion is. What the law says about abortions. When you think life begins. When various religious traditions believe that life begins. The reasons used by religious believers for and against abortion. What is meant by ‘sanctity of life’ and ‘quality of life.’ What an abortion is. What the law says about abortions. When you think life begins. When various religious traditions believe that life begins. The reasons used by religious believers for and against abortion. What is meant by ‘sanctity of life’ and ‘quality of life.’

What is an abortion? a·bor·tion n. 1.Termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival. Any of various procedures that result in such termination and expulsion. Also called induced abortion. 2.The premature expulsion of a nonviable fetus from the uterus; a miscarriage. a·bor·tion n. 1.Termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival. Any of various procedures that result in such termination and expulsion. Also called induced abortion. 2.The premature expulsion of a nonviable fetus from the uterus; a miscarriage.

What is the law? The 1967 abortion act allowed abortion in cases where two doctors find that the continuation of a pregnancy: 1. risks the woman’s life or her physical and mental health 2. risks the physical and mental health of any existing children. 3. where there was “substantial risk” of the fetus suffering from an anomaly. In April, 1990, the British House of Commons voted to cut the legal time limit for abortions from 28 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. In 1991, RU 486 (the French “abortion pill”) was approved for use in Britain for pregnancies up to 9 weeks’ duration. The 1967 abortion act allowed abortion in cases where two doctors find that the continuation of a pregnancy: 1. risks the woman’s life or her physical and mental health 2. risks the physical and mental health of any existing children. 3. where there was “substantial risk” of the fetus suffering from an anomaly. In April, 1990, the British House of Commons voted to cut the legal time limit for abortions from 28 to 24 weeks of pregnancy. In 1991, RU 486 (the French “abortion pill”) was approved for use in Britain for pregnancies up to 9 weeks’ duration.

when does life begin? There are at least 5 views about when human life begins: 1.At conception - at this moment there is something new and different. 2.After 15 days, when the fertilized egg implants itself in the womb. More than 50% don’t. 3.At about 8 weeks, when the foetus looks like a human being. 4.When the foetus can survive outside the womb - i.e. after about 23 weeks. 5.At birth - when it become independent, physically, of its mother. There are at least 5 views about when human life begins: 1.At conception - at this moment there is something new and different. 2.After 15 days, when the fertilized egg implants itself in the womb. More than 50% don’t. 3.At about 8 weeks, when the foetus looks like a human being. 4.When the foetus can survive outside the womb - i.e. after about 23 weeks. 5.At birth - when it become independent, physically, of its mother.

Task: What are the pros and cons of each of these arguments? Which viewpoint do you agree with? Which is the strongest argument? Why? What are the pros and cons of each of these arguments? Which viewpoint do you agree with? Which is the strongest argument? Why?