Navigation 3.02 Using Charts References: FTGU pages Transport Canada Study and Reference Guide Glider Pilot Canada Flight Training Manual – Pilot Navigation
3.02 Using Charts MTPs: –Using Aeronautical Charts –Types of Charts –Symbols on Charts –Measuring Distance –Tracks and Bearings
Using Aeronautical Charts How charts differ from maps: Control Zones Aerodrome Information Ground Elevation Lines of Variation Airspace Information Communication/ Navigation Aids
Types of Charts VNC (VFR Navigation Chart): –Lambert Conformal Conic Projection, 1: scale –Used to enable visual navigation (lower level, low speed) VTA (VFR Terminal Area Chart): –Transverse Mercator Projection, 1: scale –Used to illustrate landmarks, call points, and control zones in a terminal area (e.g. Vancouver) WAC (World Aeronautical Chart): –Lambert Conformal Conic Projection, 1: scale –Designed for visual navigation (higher levels, greater speed)
Symbols on Charts Charts: –Where to find the chart legend –How to interpret symbols
Symbols on Charts
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Measuring Distance To Measure Distance on a Chart –Use ruler and chart scale
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Tracks and Bearings Track: –Proposed path over the ground Track Made Good: –Actual path over the ground Track Error: –Angle between track and track made good Bearing: –The direction or angle from one point to another
Test Ranges in Nevada