Middle East History Standard SS7H2
Standard The student will analyze continuity and change in Southwest Asia leading to the 21st Century. SS7H2 A. Explain how European partitioning in the Middle East after the break up of the Ottoman Empire led to regional conflicts.
The Beginning The Ottoman Empire began in1299 in Turkey. Eventually, it included parts of Asia, Africa, and Europe. At one time, it was the largest Empire in the world.
More of the Ottoman Empire The Empire, which was Islamic, that existed from the 1300s to 1923 protected the Muslim world from Christian European empires. The Ottoman Empire gained wealth through trade and controlled much of the Middle East region.
Imperialism Imperialism is a type of government that seeks to increase its size, either by forcing (through war) or influencing (through politics) other countries to submit to their rule (Imperialism, 2013).
Mandate country placed under the control of another power by international agreement, typically given independence by a certain date.
Partitioning to divide up a piece of land into separate portions representing different ethnic or religious groups.
European Partitioning Initially, the Ottoman Empire hoped to stay out of World War I. However, pressure from European nations (both from friends and enemies) and fear of losing territory pushed the empire into the war. The Ottomans joined the war on the side of the Germans and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Ottomans and their allies were defeated by the Allied Powers led by the British, French, and American armies.
Click here to see the rise and fall of the Ottoman Empire http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0Kt67Hlhb0&feature=player_detailpage Click here to listen to the pod cast of the history of the ottoman Empire. http://www.flickr.com//photos/77912654@N05/sets/72157629961348449/show/
Struggle for independence So, what have we learned about the European partitioning of the Middle East after the collapse of the Ottoman empire? Muslims lost control of their land and trade routes to foreign European western powers (Great Britain and France) Boundary lines were drawn without considering the ethnic and religious groups already living there, which caused conflicts (Israel) Struggle for independence All of the conflicts led to great changes throughout the Middle East
Continued After World War I, the empire was in ruins and the majority of its territories were seized by victorious European powers.