Mission: Medical School Faculty Senate Represent and serve as a voice for the faculty. Provides a forum for discussion and communication on matters of the School of Medicine. The vehicle for the faculty to participate in the deliberations and decision-making of the school. Works in a collaborative fashion to advise the Dean.
Medical School Faculty Senate Represent the will and opinion of the faculty of the School. Work through the standing committees: admissions, curriculum, academic performance, and scholarly concentration programs.
Medical School Faculty Senate MD degree: determine the requirements for admission define and evaluate the curriculum establish criteria for student performance, standing and promotion determine awards for med student research fellowships oversee the performance and achievements of the Medical Student Scholarly Concentration requirement Advise on matters concerning the PhD and MS graduate degree programs. Advise on the role and training of residents and clinical fellows. Advise on academic matters of postdoctoral scholars.
Structure of the Senate 69 Senators 48 departmental Senators Departments with 1-20 faculty = 1 Departments with faculty = 2 Departments with 41or more faculty = 3 20 Senators-at Large 11 Senators from IDPs and SIMs
Ex-officio members (voting) Dean of the School of Medicine Chairs of the Standing Committees President of SMSA President of BIOMASS Chair of the SU Postdoctoral Scholars Association Chief of Staff of SHC Chief of Staff LPCH President of the Stanford Medical School Alumni Association or a designee Representative of the Adjunct Clinical Faculty Representative of the housestaff
Senator Duties Represent your department, IDP, or SIM and/or faculty at large. Inform your constituents about senate matters ( ex: Anesthesia blast). Attend meetings or arrange alternate. Please identify yourself for the minutes.
Senate Executive Committee Elected by members of the Senate. Structure: 2 members from basic science unit 2 members from clinical unit Members serve staggered 2-year terms Chair from either unit Please submit issues for consideration to the SEC. Meets regularly with the Senate Steering Committee ( Com chairs and Deans)
Standing Committees Committee on Admissions (CA) Gabriel Garcia, Chair Committee on Courses and Curriculum (CCC) Clarence Braddock, Chair Committee on Performance Assessment and Advising (CPAA) Elizabeth Stuart, Chair Committee on Student Performance (CSP) Sherry Wren, Chair Committee on Medical Student Scholarship (CMSS) Lauren Baker, Chair
Committee on Admissions Recommends to the Senate policies governing the admission of medical students. Make final decisions on the admission of applicants.
Committee on Courses and Curriculum Report to the Senate on topics related to the MD curriculum and overall evaluation of the MD training program. Recommend changes to the requirements for graduation. Implement those changes when adopted by the Senate.
Committee on Performance Assessment and Advising Consider and take action on matters that pertain to the assessment of medical student academic performance. Advise on and recommend to the Senate changes in academic policy that affect performance assessment and advising. Implement policy.
Committee on Student Performance Consider and take action on matters that pertain to the meeting of the requirements for the MD. Advise the CCC and the Senate concerning the criteria for student standing and promotion.
Committee on Medical Student Scholarship Oversee performance and achievements of the Scholarly Concentrations and Medical Student Research Fellowships. Make final decisions on the approval and disapproval of research fellowships awards. Report to the senate and set criteria for assessment, completion, and evaluation of the Scholarly Concentration.
Senate Goals in 2007 Evaluation and evolution of clinical curriculum. Forging closer links of medical school curriculum with GME activities. Involvement of all SOM faculty (UTL, MCL, CE) in governance process.
2008 Year Implement new committee for academic performance, professionalism, and promotion. Implement a single committee that sets academic policy and evaluates the curriculum. Continued collaborative working relationship with Dean Pizzo.