What creates a family and makes each family unique
Family is a Social Institution Social Institutions (aka structures) are created to satisfy a particular social need. Examples are: FamilyEconomics PoliticsEducation SportsReligion The family however is viewed as the most important of all social institutions. (note) The family is very difficult to define, but every society has its own social institution of family. (note)
In three words only... What form/shape does the Canadian family take? How does the family make one feel? What value are families to greater society? What is a family responsible for? What activities do families do? Tell us your answers and why you chose the words you used
Riddle me this… I am a member of two families, but you are a member of one. Families may be defined by their function
Family – Orientation for Parent Family – Procreation for Parent Oma + Opa Dad Gram + Gramps Mom YOU Family – Orientation for Child (you)
Defining The Family Family means different things to different people. Families comes in all shapes and sizes. Families may be defined by how they are created: (note) Family of Orientation- the one into which you are born and nurtures you Family of Procreation – the one you will create and nurture.
Why discuss the family? The best way of understanding the course and its intent is to first study family and understand what creates them and makes each one unique. Why they are important and how they contribute to society. …..and what our role is in supporting them
The Typical Family Then Now
How would you define family? Individually create a definition of family. Partner up; share and re-develop your definition.
Family (note) According to the Vanier Institute of the Family Any combination of two or more persons
Family (note) According to the Vanier Institute of the Family who are bound together over time by ties of mutual consent,
Family (note) According to the Vanier Institute of the Family birth and/or adoption or placement.
Families are the foundation of society – much like the bricks that form a brick wall. If the bricks are cracked and crumbly, no matter how well the wall is constructed, maintained or mortared the wall will eventually fall down.
So what are families all about? If the bricks (family) are well built and sturdy, with strong foundations, then the wall (society) will stand strong and endure.
What do families do? Families are responsible for certain “functions” that ensure the health, wealth and growth of their membership. If these functions are carried out in an effective and positive manner than the family will be “functional” --- families that struggle with any area of these functions may be considered “dysfunctional”.
Functions of a Family Physical Maintenance & Care – provide the basic necessities such as shelter, clothing and food Emotional Nurturance – love and provide emotional support for family members Addition of new members – having children for next generation, expands families, strengthens and renews society
Functions of a Family Economic Function – provide financial support of family through the work, purchase and sharing of goods and services Recreation & Entertainment – provide a variety of activities that enhance the lifestyle of members Transmission of Culture– transmit societal culture from one generation to the next through: Discipline – social control of members Morals and values of society – role modeling Work Ethics – expectation to participate in society
What do families do? (note) Families are responsible for certain “functions” that ensure the health, wealth and growth of their membership. If these functions are carried out in an effective and positive manner than the family will be “functional” --- families that struggle with any area of these functions may be considered “dysfunctional”.
In-class Assignment Create an acrostic poem that defines for you the word: F A M I L Y Be creative --- make it visually attractive