WHAT IS EMAIL? Short for electronic mail, e-mail is a messages that may contain files, images, or other attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or group of individuals.
HOW TO SEND E-MAIL To send and receive e-mail messages, you can use an e-mail program, also known as an e-mail client such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird or an online e-mail service or webmail such as Hotmail, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. Many of the online e-mail services including the above examples are free or have a free account option.
ADVANTAGES OF E-MAIL Emails are easy to use. You can organize your daily correspondence, send and receive electronic messages and save them on computers. Emails are fast. They are delivered at once around the world. No other form of written communication is as fast as an email. Emails do not use paper. Emails can also have pictures in them. You can send birthday cards or newsletters as emails. Products can be advertised with emails
DISADVANTAGES OF E-MAIL Emails may carry viruses. These are small programs that harm your computer system. They can read out your email address book and send themselves to a number of people around the world. Emails cannot really be used for official business documents. They may be lost and you cannot sign them.
SPAM MAIL E-mail spam, also known as junk e-mail, is flooding the Internet with many copies of the same message, in an attempt to force the messae on people who would not otherwise choose to receive it Most spam is commercial advertising, often for dubious products
SPAM MAIL Email spam lists are often created by scanning Usenet postings, stealing Internet mailing lists, or searching the Web for addresses
ADVANTAGES OF SPAM It helps to publicize events e.g. major concerts. Also Companies use spam in much the same way (although often on a far larger scale).
DISADVANTAGES OF SPAM Spam is annoying. If you've ever had to go through your email account, weeding out the relevant emails from the junk messages selling miracle hair growth lotions, free subscriptions to dating websites, and overnight body enlargement then you'll know exactly what I mean!
HOW TO GET RID OF SPAM If you're already getting spam messages, check with your Internet service provider to see whether it has a spam-prevention option that scans your incoming e-mail for known spammers. If you're lucky enough not to be getting spam now, then sign up for a second (free) e-mail address from a service such as Yahoo or Hotmail. Use this address exclusively for e-commerce, mailing-list subscriptions and bulletin-board postings of any kind. Reserve your main e-mail address for private e-mail to and from friends. Use the filtering feature in your e-mail program to create rules that redirect spam messages to your Suspected Spam folder. Most spam is not addressed to its recipient by name.
DIFFERENCE Both email and email spam are basically advertisements or messages that people would like to convey with others. Both are common on the internet and are often received by users with an email address. However, what draws the line between the two? email vs. spam, also known as unsolicited commercial email is an email that gets delivered to users' email inboxes on a large scale without these users' permission. They are targeted to anyone regardless of their interests in the email contents.
CONCLUSION Spamming is a bad Internet marketing practice because it infringes on personal space and privacy. Email however is different. This is the capturing or creation of email lists with the users' consent, as they believe that in return you would provide valuable information. The fine line here is that even if they give you their email address you should try to avoid spamming-only sending sales letters and advertisements. Proper email marketing is providing the audience with relevant and valuable information along with the products and services you have to offer (relating to each other).
REFERENCE electronic-mail.htm difference-between-email-marketing-and-email-spam.html