Get Accepted! Step 9: Send SAT and/or ACT scores directly to each school you applied Step 8: Submit Transcript Release Form (for each school) to the Transcript Office Step 7: Request Letters of Recommendation Step 6: If requesting letters of recommendation, fill out Recommendation Data Sheet Step 5: Indicate how you have applied (Common App or not) Step 4: Add Colleges to your “colleges I’m applying to" list in Naviance Step 3: If applicable, Match your Common App to your Naviance Account Step 2: Log-in to Naviance Step 1: Complete and Submit Applications
Each school will have their own application process. Determine where and how you will apply. Several colleges accept the Common Application. You can begin your Common App after Aug 1, Some colleges are Common App exclusive, meaning you must apply via the Common App. Other colleges do not accept the Common App and ask you to apply through other means. Other colleges may accept either the Common App or their own application, letting your chose which one suits you best. Start researching and planning this summer to know where and how you will apply! Information can be found online, usually under the college’s “Admissions/Incoming Freshman” pages. Begin and submit your applications as early as possible. Make sure you are filling out applications for the Fall of Be mindful of deadlines and follow directions!
1. Go to Neshaminy High School’s Website 2. Click on the Naviance-Family Connection link on the left hand side 3. Enter your student id (7 digit number) and password (the one you use to log-in to NHS’s computers!) 4. Click Log In
1. From the Home screen, click the “About Me” tab 2. Scroll down to Official Things, click on “Profile” link 3. Verify all information in Personal Profile section, especially name, Counselor, birth date, and *Contact your counselor if anything is incorrect 4. To edit your address, click pencil icon
1. Click “Colleges I’m applying to” Log into your Naviance account: From the Colleges tab If you have completed your Common App, you can match your account to Naviance. If you are not sure if you are applying with the Common App, or it is before Aug 1, 2015, this step can be skipped and revisited later. Skip ahead to slide 9! **You must sign your FERPA waiver before you can match your Common App account with Naviance!! Info can be found in a separate Presentation called “Your Guide to the Common App”
1. Enter address. MUST be the same used in Common App account 1. Please be aware, once “Matched”, you cannot change your FERPA decision. If not “Matched”, Counselors cannot send any materials electronically
Once Matched correctly, notification above will appear
1.Click on the Not Needed link 1. Once clicked, Common App Matching will appear, however, you are not technically “matched”. If you decide to apply to a Common App school later, you can visit the same page, click “Do it now” and enter the address that you used for your Common Application
1. Click “Colleges I’m applying to” From the Colleges tab… Once logged into your Naviance account:
Click on “Add to this list” If applying via Common App and you matched your accounts, Common App schools should already be listed. If not, you can add them manually.
1.Indicate Decision Type using the drop down arrow 2. Look up college to add to your list (Pop up appears) 3. Search for college by name or from College Picker quick list 4.Click “I submitted my application” (once you have completed your application!)
Complete this step for every college you are applying, then click Add Colleges
1. 2. Under “colleges I’m applying to” answer the question, Applying via the Common App?” 1. Use drop down arrow to answer yes or no 2. Click update Applications when complete
Verify your information is correct Take note of the Submission Type symbol School accepts the Common App, transcripts will be sent electronically (if there is a line through the “CA”, your school ONLY accepts Common App ) School accepts electronic transcripts School does not accept electronic transcripts and everything must be mailed via USPS
1.Under the ABOUT ME tab, under surveys to take, click on Recommendation Data Sheet (all) 2.Answer the questions as accurately as possible. Focus on your accomplishments and strengths! Your teachers and counselor will view this form to highlight your best qualities! Click “Update” when finished Colleges will NOT see this data sheet. It will be accessed by those asked to write a letter of recommendation.
Ask your teacher(s) in person if they will write a letter of recommendation for you. They are not obligated to do so! Asking them in person is thoughtful and considerate. You want your teacher to write you a glowing recommendation, so treat them with respect and be considerate of their time. All recommendations are submitted electronically. Once your teacher agrees to write the letter, you must submit your request electronically via Naviance. This gives your teacher the ability to upload your letter electronically, and allows them to review your Recommendation Data Sheet that will contain all your accomplishments and goals. You should allow up to 4 weeks for your letter to be completed!
1.In Naviance, Go to the Colleges Tab, Go to “Colleges I’m Applying to” 2.Scroll down to Teacher Recommendations, click add/cancel request and a dropdown menu will appear
3.Select Teacher from Drop-Down Menu and write a short note. Ask them to write you a letter of recommendation and fill out the Common App Teacher Evaluation form. Click Update Requests. 4.An will be automatically sent to your teacher with your request. Your teacher will use your recommendation data sheet to write your letter and upload it electronically to Naviance. Don’t forget to thank your teacher!
Enter the following information: Fill out information as clearly as possible 1.Fill out name of the College. If your transcript is being mailed, include an addressed envelope to the Office of Admissions. 2.College MUST be added to your “College I’m Applying to” list. 3.Indicate if you are applying via Common App 4.Indicate if you are requesting a letter of recommendation from your counselor. Some schools require this, others do not. Many Common App schools require a Counselor Evaluation Indicate if you are sending teacher letters of recommendations. Indicate which teachers recommendations you’d like us to send. Many schools set limits on the number they accept! All Common App schools require 1-2 Teacher Evaluation(s)!! 5.Turn your completed form into the Transcript Office located near the Guidance Office. We require a minimum of 10 school days to process your transcript request. The clock does not start until you turn in the paper request form!
Each school you apply to needs a SEPARATE Release Form. You application should be submitted and complete before your request is made. You must allow up to 10 school days for processing!! * You do not need an appointment with your counselor for every Transcript Request Form you submit, but you are encouraged to make an appointment if you have any questions! The Transcript Office is located to the left of the check-in area in Guidance. Transcript Release Forms can be found in Guidance or via this link: Transcript Release Form
Visit to send your SAT scores directly to each school you have applied. *please note you can select up to 4 schools to receive your scores, for free, when your register to take the test. If you send your scores later, they will charge you a fee. Visit to send your ACT scores directly to each school you have applied.
Do I have to follow all the steps in order? No. You can fill out your recommendation data sheet and request letters of recommendation before you start your applications. You can also match your Common App to Naviance at any time, and you can send your SAT/ACT scores at anytime. When should I apply? You can begin as soon as the 2016 applications are available. If you are applying Early Action, Early Decision, or Rolling Admissions, we strongly suggest you apply as early as possible. Some schools, such as Penn State, have priority deadlines and your chances are better for acceptance the earlier you apply! My school does not require letters of recommendation and I’m not applying via the Common App. Can I just submit a Transcript Release Form to Guidance after I apply? Absolutely. If the information doesn’t pertain to you and your school(s), there is no need to do it. You still need to add colleges to your “Applying to” List in Naviance and fill out a Transcript Release Form. How do colleges keep track of all of my information if things are sent separately? Colleges keep organized files on students who apply. Once your file is complete, your materials will be reviewed for admission. Do you really need 10 school days to process electronic transcripts? We make every effort to process transcripts as soon as possible. Your counselor will review your transcript and application materials prior to sending them. 10 school days is a reasonable amount of time to gather the information, review the information, and gather any missing documents. My parents logged on to Naviance but cannot access some of the tabs and features in this PowerPoint. Why? Parents do not have access to the same features you do. Your unique log-in gives you the ability to view what is pertinent to you. Every grade level has different features as well.
When applying online, create a consistent user ID and password, and keep your access information private! Use proper spelling, grammar and capitalization in all correspondence you send to a college admissions office. Do not use acronyms (etc. BTW, LOL, gr8). Keep in mind that although access information is secure, college officials are able to pull up that information. User IDs and passwords should utilize proper and appropriate language. Rethink passwords and addresses like ‘partygirl07’. There are growing concerns about the prolific use of social networking sites. These sites may be accessed by college admissions staff, police, collegiate athletic departments and prospective employers for concerning content. Please be aware that any information students post on these accounts should be considered public information, and can be viewed by anyone. The content of social networking sites is a reflection of the student to college admissions offices--what may seem harmless to you, may be interpreted differently by a college admission officer. If you choose to participate in the use of social networking sites, please make every attempt to ensure that nothing on your site can be interpreted in a negative or questionable way. Parents should have access and monitor social network sites accounts at all times.
Kimberly Gibbons A – Bux Patience Burton By – Don Jill Ortman Doo – Gr Casey Rodgers Gu - Kis Susan Fennecken.… Kit - McCle Traci Hindle McCli – Os Jennifer Coe Ot - Rz Heidi Wilson S - The Heather Krajcer Thi – Z Counselor Assignments by Student Last Name Counselors hold individual meetings with Seniors every fall to answer questions and go over the application process!