EMS - Emergency Medical Services Who are these people?
EMS - Emergency Medical Services Fire and rescue personnel
Police and First Responders
EMS - Emergency Medical Services w Ambulance personnel
EMS - Emergency Medical Services Aeromedical Personnel Communication personnel
EMS - Emergency Medical Services Nurses Command physicians
EMS - Emergency Medical Services Physicians Surgeons
EMS - Emergency Medical Services Instructors And you! Take a CPR or first aid class!
YOU Want to Be an EMT!
It is an exciting career! w You Are There First! A life could be in your hands!
You will learn how to w Take care Of stab wounds
And to w Take care of gunshot wounds.
And to w Splint fractures.
And to w Do CPR and use an AED.
And to w Take care of unconscious people.
And to take care of w Poisoning and drug overdoses w Allergic reactions w Stroke w Heart attack w Asthma w Head injuries w Back injuries w Burns w Drowning w Childbirth w Babies
And drive an ambulance!
History of EMS in US Horse-drawn ambulances introduces in the Civil War Early motorized ambulance
History of EMS 1930 Ambulance Today’s Ambulance
Advanced Life Support! 1980 in Berks County
History of EMS CPR 1966 – Portable Defibrillators 1969 – ALS – mostly in the cities 1973 – Federal legislation provides funding for development of EMS systems.
Levels of EMS Training ‡ First Responder ‡ Emergency Medical Technician Basic – This would be YOU. Basic – This would be YOU. Intermediate – not in PA yet Intermediate – not in PA yet Paramedic – a future goal? Paramedic – a future goal?
Not Just Movers and Drivers Anymore!
Roles and Responsibilities ‡ ‡ Personal safety ‡ Safety of crew, patient and bystanders ‡ Patient care based on assessment findings ‡ Lifting and moving patients safely ‡ ‡ Transport/transfer of care ‡ Record-keeping/ data collection ‡ Patient advocacy
Main Duties of the EMT w Preparation w Response w Scene control w Gaining Access w Assessment and emergency care w Disentanglement w Transfer to the ambulance w Transport to the receiving facility w Termination activities
ProfessionalAttributes and Traits
Professional Attributes and Traits ‡ ‡ Appearance ‡ Keeps knowledge and skills up to date ‡ Puts patient’s needs as a priority without endangering self ‡ Maintains current knowledge of local, state, and national issues affecting EMS