Katey Van Hoosier Rahul Dhami Emily Cornell
Was founded in 2009 in Denver, Colorado. CEO- Rahul Dhami CFO- Katey Van Hoosier CTO- Emily Cornell Caters specifically to women within the sport Offers: dirt bikes, accessories, bike repairs, parts
Price Price range for the bikes, $2, $7, Non-Bike Products $10-$2,000 Product- Dirt bikes, parts, accessories and clothing Promotion Target women in advertisements and TV commercials Place- Physical and Online
Membership card $200 spent gets $20 off next purchase Member only discounts during large sales Daily Specials Specials on items not selling well Mostly accessories Salesperson Interaction/Store Atmosphere
Search Engine Ads targeted at consumers buying related items. Classified Ads in Auto Sections Sponsorships Honda puts ads on their product page
Advertising Revenue Model Profit made through ads on web Sales Revenue Model Profits made based on customers making purchase
We value our customer relationships! Sales Cloud is efficient Good for small business Fast interface Easy to navigate User friendly interface
Invoice Dude Invoice Dude Iconify Iconify Manage Me 7.0 Manage Me 7.0 Facebook Facebook
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Sales cloud. (2012). Retrieved from Salesforce. (2012). Retrieved from software-review.toptenreviews.com/sales-cloud-review.html Salesforce.com independent review. (2012). Retrieved from Salesforce.com sales cloud contact manager crm tools. (2012). Retrieved from management.entrepreneur.com/l/4/SalesForce-com-Sales-Cloud- Contact-Manager Salesforce pricing. (2012). Retrieved from sales- cloud/features/ Top 10 cloud crm solutions. (n.d.). Retrieved from Online billing software & invoicing software. (n.d.). Retrieved from