Summer 2013
Two-fold exhortation Let us leave And go on If they will understand the meaning of Christ’s priesthood and his sacrifice, this will be enough to keep them from apostasy They must decide: Is Aaron (and his descendants) or Christ high priest? Who offers the real sacrifice for sins?
Six basics that need no further emphasis Repentance from “dead works” Faith in God Washings (baptisms) Laying on of hands Resurrection of the dead Eternal judgment
“Impossible” to bring some back to repentance Those “once enlightened” Who have “tasted the heavenly gift” Have shared in the Holy Spirit Have “tasted the goodness of the word of God and of the age to come” And have then “fallen away” Why? They crucify again the Son of God They don’t just disbelieve Him, they denounce and disgrace Him before the world
Apostasy illustrated by two kinds of soil Well-watered and cultivated Receives a blessing from God Worthless soil of “thorns and thistles” Near to being cursed To be burned Apostasy Not the same as “falling short”, but not falling away It is to “deliberately” keep on sinning “Wobbling” Christians need to face the peril of their situation
Confident of “better things” Things that accompany salvation “beloved” Love and work go together They had served the saints Such love toward others demonstrates an active faith...the opposite of the apostate They have love. They have faith (to some extent), they lack assurance and hope
They were “dull of hearing” (5:11), now he exhorts them not to be “sluggish” Imitators of those... who inherit the promises
Promise Occurs 18 times in Hebrews “He who promised is faithful” (10:23) Abraham “patiently waited” Genesis 22:17—promise that his offspring would be numberless Genesis 12:2—great nation Genesis 21:1-7—25 years later Isaac was born Hebrews 11:13, 39-40
Two unchangeable (immutable) things God’s word God’s irrevocable oath Provides “strong encouragement” For those who have fled to Christ for refuge To “hold fast” to the hope set before us A “sure and steadfast anchor” A hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain” Where Jesus has gone
Summer 2013