What is biblical encouragement? Greek word Paraclete=to encourage, exhort, comfort, beseech, exhort To incite courage to pursue spiritual maturity To be a spiritual cheerleader!!!
7 steps to become a biblical encourager Have a sincere desire to give (not to get) in a relationship 1 Sam 18:1-4
7 steps to become a biblical encourager Step 2: See God’s ultimate goal in that person’s life 1 Sam 23:15-16
7 steps to become a biblical encourager Step 3: Be dedicated and loyal to the person you encourage 1 Sam 19:2, 20:17
7 steps to become a biblical encourager Step 4: Believe greater than the person what God can do with them Judges 6:12
7 steps to become a biblical encourager Step 5: Use God’s Word as basis for your encouragement Rom 15:4
7 steps to become a biblical encourager Incite them to see what God has done in their life Rom 12:1-2
7 steps to become a biblical encourager Practice encouragement at church Heb 10:25, 3:13
7 steps to become a biblical encourager Have a sincere desire to give See God’s ultimate goal Be dedicate and loyal Believe greater what God can do Use God’s Word to encourage Incite them to see what God Practice encouragement at church