TEXAS LEGISLATURE TEXAS SENATE Size 31 Senators Terms 4 years, staggered Presiding Officers Lieutenant Governor Elected statewide for a 4 year term TEXAS HOUSE Size 150 Representatives Terms 2 years Presiding Officers Speaker Elected to the House from a district & then by entire membership of the House (2 year term)
Formal Qualifications for Texas Legislature
Informal Qualifications for Texas Legislature
SALARY $7,200/year ($600/mo.) + $125 per diem while in session Effects: o high turnover—30% average o many Texans cannot afford to serve o legislators more easily “corrupted”
SESSION Biennial sessions/140 days Texas is one of only 6 states whose legislature does NOT meet annually (the other states are Ark., Mont., Nev., N.D., & Oregon) Effects: o Lack of adequate time o Rushed, chaotic session o Bills poorly researched, not read before vote o Reliance on lobbyists for research, info, & bill writing
STAFF Inadequate Staff expense account o Senate - $22,000/month o House - $7,500/month Effects: o Overworked, underpaid, too small o High staff turnover o Greater reliance on lobbyists & their staffs
POWERS OF PRESIDING OFFICERS 1. Appoint committee chairs & vice-chairs 2. Appoint majority of comm. members 3. Refer all bills to committee 4. Schedule legislation for floor action 5. Recognize members on the floor 6. Interpret procedural rules 7. Appoint conference committees 8. Appoint members to: Legislative Budget Board (LBB) Legislative Audit Board Legislative Council Sunset Advisory Commission (SAC)
TEXAS LEGISLATURE & THE CONSTITUTIONAL RULES EEvery bill must be read 3 times on 3 different calendar days EEvery bill must pass 4 floor votes—2 in the Senate and 2 in the House of Rep. MMost floor action (floor debate & vote on bills) is limited to the final 80 days of the regular session
LEGISLATIVE SESSION FIRST 30 DAYS: Introduce bills Emergency appropriations Approve governor’s recess appointments SECOND 30 DAYS: Consideration of bills by committees & subcommittees LAST 80 DAYS: Act on bills & resolutions on the House & Senate floors Very rushed, chaotic Legislature frequently runs out of time to consider all bills Ave.: about 30% of all bills pass
How a Bill Becomes a Law
State Legislative Sessions & Salary
Rankings of State Legislatures
Initiative, Referendum & Recall
Texas House of Representative Districts
Texas Senate Districts
Texas Congressional Districts
THREE TYPES OF GERRYMANDERING 1. Racial 2. Unequal Population 3. Partisan/Political 4. Protecting Incumbent
Rules of Redistricting 1964-US Supreme Court One man-one vote rule (one person-one vote) 1965-Voting Rights Act No racial gerrymandering Political/Partisan Gerrymandering Cannot be too extreme (US Supreme Court)