Project A “polka dots” dress. History of clothes. Done by Dasha Stanovova Form
I think that the history of clothes is very interesting and informative. I want to tell you about a dress with “polka dots”.
In the XVIII century in Switzerland the fabric called «Swiss peas» (small dots) came into fashion. Later French and English women liked these dots (in English - “polka dot” ).
Polka dots had been in fashion almost up to the end of the XIX century, later they disappeared for a few decades. They came back in the late 1920s. Then designers offered their clients a white suit with a tie, a skirt and a jacket with lapels in dark- blue polka dots. Polka dots had been in fashion almost up to the end of the XIX century, later they disappeared for a few decades. They came back in the late 1920s. Then designers offered their clients a white suit with a tie, a skirt and a jacket with lapels in dark- blue polka dots.
In 1928, Walt Disney painted a dress for Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend, Minnie. According to the idea of the animator firstly it had to be red, finally it became spotted, because Walt Disney accidentally poured white paint on the figure. Thus was born one of the most recognizable dresses with polka dots.
Christian Dior was “the fashion king” of dresses with polka dots. Yves Saint Laurent – in 1960s 1950s
In the USSR in 1950s a white dress with black small dots, in which Lyudmila Gurchenko starred in the comedy «The carnival night», came into fashion.
1970s London policewomen's uniforms with polka dots
Polka dots dresses are an essential part of any girl’s wardrobe.
References 1. dot-backgrounds.html 2. goroshek Petite Fashion 5.Картинки и фотографии взяты с сайтов Yandex, Google