By Ibado Mohamed Fashion 105 October 20, 2008 Rachael Libolt
Born in Alexandria, Egypt to Greek parents study law began working for Maison Jane he traveled extensively throughout the world n 1963, at age 60, he retired to Greece because of poor health He passed away in Athens in 1970.
1940s President Franklin D Roosevelt. The 1940's were dominated by World War II Supreme Court decides blacks do have a right to vote
Men 1940 : The Zoot Suit
timeless creations worn by beautiful women His fashion was very popular with European royalty and movie stars Among his clientele: the Queen and royal princesses of Greece the Duchess of Windsor society hostess Elsa Maxwell Jennifer Lopez
Lighter Shades of Pink Gown Chiffon Evening Dress mocha strapless gown trimmed in velvet Evening dress Evening gown
he traveled extensively throughout the world His work was influenced by his travels
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