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What would you like to do? You can do almost anything? Lets start by getting our Bearings!
Air Traffic Controller Bearings
1. Measured from North. 2. In a clockwise direction. 3. Written as 3 figures. N S EW N S EW N S EW 060 o 145 o 230 o 315 o 60 o 145 o 230 o Bearings N S EW 090 o 360/000 o 270 o 180 o 315 o
Bearings N S E W 090 o 360/000 o 270 o 180 o A 360 o protractor is used to measure bearings. 020 o 080 o 110 o SE 135 o 160 o 210 o SW 225 o 250 o 290 o NW 315 o 350 o Use your protractor to measure the bearing of each point from the centre of the circle. (Worksheet 1) NE 045 o
Which of your students is destined to become an AirTraffic Controller? Using the supplied worksheet give them 5 minutes to estimate the bearings of the 12 aircraft then see who has the lowest average error. ACE Controller Contest
360/000 o 090 o 180 o 270 o W E N S Air Traffic Controller Control Tower o 250 o 280 o 120 o 195 o 010 o 325 o 155 o 235 o 310 o 060 o Estimate the bearing of each aircraft from the centre of the radar screen. ACE Controller Contest
Explain about Faces, edges and vertices.
Faces, Edges and Vertices A square based pyramid has: FacesEdges Vertices 58 5 Please note: Full presentation has sound.
Look at Factors and Multiples?
Factors and Multiples Some of the numbers in the pentagons are factors of the number in the central decagon. Which ones? Please note: Full presentation has sound.
Take a Break with the Mental Maths 5000 area Please note that the authentic sound effects that accompany the Mental Maths presentations are not available with this demo.
Click the buttons to choose your table.
1 x 7 2 x 7 3 x 7 4 x 7 5 x 7 7 x 7 8 x 7 9 x 7 10 x 7 11 x 7 12 x 7 6 x Back to Board Please note: Full presentation has sound.
Work out the score for the 3 rings. Please note: Full presentation has sound.
Work out the score for the 3 rings. Please note: Full presentation has sound.
Some work on recognising fractions?
Recognising Fractions 3 parts of this regular octagon are blue. There are 8 equal parts in total. So we write fraction blue = 3 8 Fractions show proportions. They compare the parts into which an object is divided with the whole object.
Recognising Fractions What fraction of the people are wearing hats? 5 18
Shapes Questions Recognising Fractions Write down the fraction for the indicated colour in each case. a b c d e f yellowblue red green pink blue
Explain about planes of symmetry?
Triangular Based Prisms An equilateral triangular based prism has four planes of symmetry.
Choose a tessellation?
There are 8 distinct semi-regular tessellations. The tiles for 4 of them are shown below. Click button to view Click to exit
Read the temperature on the thermometer as it changes oCoC
oCoC C Read the temperature on the thermometer as it changes.
What is the difference in temperature between Cairo and Helsinki? oCoC oCoC 40 degrees Cairo Helsinki
Use negative numbers at the seaside?
Estimate the height above or below sea level of the following points: 50m -20m -40m -60m 0m 20m 40m 60m -10m 40m 20m -30m -5m -45 m
Rotational Symmetry?
Rotational Symmetry The order of rotational symmetry that an object has is the number of times that it fits on to itself during a full rotation of 360 degrees. Order 1
Rotational Symmetry Order Order 2 The order of rotational symmetry that an object has is the number of times that it fits on to itself during a full rotation of 360 degrees.
Rotational Symmetry Order Order Order 3 The order of rotational symmetry that an object has is the number of times that it fits on to itself during a full rotation of 360 degrees.
Rotational Symmetry Order Order Order Order 4 The order of rotational symmetry that an object has is the number of times that it fits on to itself during a full rotation of 360 degrees.
Use a number Line?
% 30%60%80% 0 1 0% 100% 0 1 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages Fraction Decimal Percentage
Measure an angle?
1 2 Measuring Angles with a 180 o Protractor 0 on the outside so use outside scale 0 on the inside so use inside scale 67 o 50 o
Bisect an angle
Draw a Pie Chart?
Total300 Drawing Pie Charts In a survey, people were asked to indicate which one of five sports they liked best. The information is given in the table. Display the information in a pie chart. Rugby Football Cricket Ice Hockey Favourite Sport Squash30
Total300 Rugby Drawing Pie Charts In a survey, people were asked to indicate which one of five sports they liked best. The information is given in the table. Display the information in a pie chart. Rugby Football Cricket Ice Hockey Favourite Sport Squash30
Total300 Drawing Pie Charts In a survey, people were asked to indicate which one of five sports they liked best. The information is given in the table. Display the information in a pie chart. Rugby Football Cricket Ice Hockey Favourite Sport Squash30 Rugby
Total300 Drawing Pie Charts In a survey, people were asked to indicate which one of five sports they liked best. The information is given in the table. Display the information in a pie chart. Rugby Football Cricket Ice Hockey Favourite Sport Squash30 Rugby Football
Take a Break with the Mental Maths 5000 area Please note that the authentic sound effects that accompany the Mental Maths presentations are not available with this demo.
Fractions of Quantities 2 Please note: Full presentation has sound.
Fractions of Quantities 3 Please note: Full presentation has sound.
Add 5 10 Multiply Subtract Divide Level 3 Please note: Full presentation has sound.
Add 5 10 Multiply Subtract Divide Level 3 Please note: Full presentation has sound.
Add 5 10 Multiply Subtract Divide Level 3 Please note: Full presentation has sound.
Add 5 10 Multiply Subtract Divide Level 3 Please note: Full presentation has sound.
A bit of stitching?
Demo 4 8 Parabolas
Or just simply ride your bike!
Wheels in Motion Wheel The Cycloid It’s true! The point at the bottom of a moving wheel is not moving! Choose Order Forms/New for V5 to view latest material and other catalogues.
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