Markets in Motion Your Market Has Changed… Have You? Henry B. DeLozier 2014 Golf Industry Show
Market Changes Since “Slow Leak” of Golfers 2. Diversified Expectations for Golfers 3. Intensified Urgency for Owners
What Golfers Want Now 1. Easy Access 2. Value for Money 3. Platform for Socialization 4. Recognition from the Owner
Market-Moving Factors to Influence Choice 1. Golf Course Conditions 2. Recognition | Appreciation 3. Value Received for Fees Paid 4. Friends, Fun and Fresh Air
Where to Find Market Information 1. Internal Market 2. External Market 3. Competitive Market
Internal Market Research 1. Existing Golfers and Friends 2. Golfer Feedback 3. Focus Groups and Surveys 4. One-on-One Conversations
External Market Research 1. Competitive Profile 2. Golfer Feedback 3. Market Data for Supply and Demand 4. Segmented Demographic Study
Competitive Market Conditions 1. Measure by Drive Time 2. Play Competitive Courses 3. Compare Key Competitive Attributes 4. Differentiate from Competitors
How to Find Your Market in 2014 and Beyond
What do you know about your market? 1. How do golfers find you? 2. Where else do they play? 3. What do your golfers want? 4. How many golfers surround you?
Have you increased your share of unique golfers? 1. Golf participation has been flat for a decade. 2. What makes your golfers loyal to your course?
Do you have a plan for increasing revenue? 1. Can you increase rounds played at your course? 2. Do you have a revenue menu? 3. How do increase your capture-of-wallet share?
Final Suggestions 1. Compete! 2. Find Reasons to Prosper. 3. Acknowledge the Power of Ownership.
Discussion Questions and Answers
Henry DeLozier Call Tweet Skype – henry.delozier.globalgolf Markets in Motion Your Market Has Changed… Have You?