University of Latvia Faculty of Biology Biology Bachelor Study Programme
Director of the Programme: Docent, Dr.biol. Voldemars Spungis Telephone: ,
Goals to provide knowledge in wide spectrum of general subjects of biology to commence the specialisation in a selected field of biological sciences. to convey the basic skills of the research work to promote the development of the harmonic personality
Highlights of the Programme 124 credit points of UL or 186 ECTS, of them: compulsory courses = part (A) 68 CP (55%) specialised courses = part (B) 44 CP (35%) free choice courses = part (C) 12 CP (10%) 6 semesters and 6 weeks field courses in summers Bachelor thesis 10 CP
Highlights of the Programme n From the 1 st to 3 rd semester - basic studies in natural sciences (part A) n From the 4 th to 6 th semester – specialised studies in selected branch of biology (part B) n During 4 th semester - selection of department(s) to develop bachelor work
Study Plan, 1st Year General Biology : n Introduction to Cell Biology n Introduction to Genetics n Introduction to Microbiology n Introduction to Botany n Introduction to Zoology n Introduction to Ecology Parallel: Introduction to studies (part C)
Study Plan, Part A n Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry n Mathematics and Informatics n Organic Chemistry n Biochemistry I n Field Course in Botany and Zoology n Genetics and Evolution n Physics n.Biometry n Plant Anatomy n Plant Physiology n Human Anatomy n Human and Animal Physiology n Environmental Protection n Research Project n Bachelor’s Work
Study Plan, Part B Semester Sum of CP
Academic staff 8 professors 10 associated professors 7 docents 7 lecturers
Departments and research laboratories of the Faculty of Biology F Department of Plant Physiology F Department of Botany and Ecology F Department of Human and Animal Physiology F Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology F Department of Molecular Biology F Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology F Computer Class of the Faculty F Library of the Faculty
Institutes and laboratories of the University of Latvia F Institute of Aquatic Ecology F Institute of Biology F Institute of Experimental and Clinical Medicine F Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology F Institute of Microbiology and Virology F Biomedicine Research and Study Centre F Botanical Garden F Laboratory of Gene Expressions F Laboratory of Geographic Information Systems F Laboratory of Plant Tissue Cultures F Museum of Systematic Zoology
Biology bachelor study programme Degree awarded Bachelor of Natural Sciences in Biology