Taxonomy of Organisms
Whittaker, 1969
أمثلة عيش الغراب- العفن- البافبول
الطحالب – السراخس- النباتات الزهرية- الاشجار
Animal classification scheme
Fields of Biology: As you may have guessed, biology is a huge branch of science. It is so broad that there are entire branches of science within biology. In the next table you can see some fields of biology we have.
FieldsWhat They Study Biochemistry The study of chemical processes in living things BotanyThe study of plant life Cell biologyThe study of cells Ecology How living things interact with non-living things EntomologyThe study of insects (a branch of zoology) IchthyologyThe study of fish (a branch of zoology) GeneticsThe study of heredity and genes Marine biologyThe study of marine life MicrobiologyThe study of micro organisms MycologyThe study of fungi NeurobiologyThe study of the nervous system OncologyThe study of cancer OrnithologyThe study of birds (a branch of zoology) Paleontology The study of fossils and pre-historic life (like dinosaurs) PathologyThe study of diseases PharmacologyThe study of effects of medication ZoologyThe study of animals
Importance of Biology to Medicine 1.Biology tells us about humans, plants, animals, cells, and really the entire world around us! Without biology, we wouldn't have treatments, cures, and vaccines for many diseases. 2. Biology can also tell us about plants and how they can be beneficial to our bodies. In medicine many of the new medicines available today are a direct result of the studies of Biologists into plant species.
Importance of Biology to Medicine 3. Biology has given us ways to classify different animals and helps us to understand what they do to help and hurt our planet. Biology can help us know more about the organisms in our body. 4. Studying microbiology lets you know what type of pathogen might be affecting the host or how the cells of the host are damaged through mutation or infection.
Importance of Biology to Medicine 5. Concerning Cell Biology, all diseases are disturbances at the cellular level. To treat disease, we must understand its cause. To understand the cause of a disease, we must understand the alterations that occur at the level of individual cells. 6. After sequencing of human genome, we have greatly enhanced our knowledge for pinpointing the molecular aberrations responsible for genetically complex diseases and in turn test new therapies.