Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health Presented by Ruth Kellogg LCSW 1
A New Perspective 1.Emotional Misalignment 2.Traditional Sciences Belief’s 3.What Newer Sciences are telling us 4.My Mind, Body, Heart Model 5.Tips and Tools Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health 2
Symptoms of Misalignment Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health Am I tired more often? Have I lost my enthusiasm? Am I loosing sleep? Am I worrying about my health, my job, or just plain worried? Ask Yourself: 3
Symptoms of Misalignment Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health Do I feel overworked? Over stressed? Burned out? Do I feel under-appreciated? Invisible? Ask Yourself: 4
Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health Everyday healthy, well adjusted people, seldom hold a place for constructive anger; very few of us interact with own personal negative emotions from a place of consciousness, empathy, or kindness to ourselves. It is my experience : 5
Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health Blame yourselves or others Feel guilty 2 nd guess yourselves Drive yourselves crazy with chatter in your heads Ignore it and hope it will go away If you are “normal” it is common when being upset or pushed to our limits for you to: 6
Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health What holds these common reactions in place? World Views Science - takes a mechanistic view – emotions are something to be fixed Religion – take a traditional view – too many negative emotions are area sign of weakness and are to be shamed. We need to ask forgiveness for having them. Neither Science or Religion have taught us to feel friendly toward our more challenging emotions. 7
Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health Is changing the way we think about our brain, our bodies, and our over all path to well-being It has discovered that there are neurotransmitters in the heart – brain cells that are identical to the neurotransmitters in the brain. Is showing us that your heart has an intelligence, it can send messages that can over ride the mind’s messages. Neuro-Science: 8
Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health When you learn to pay attention to your heart’s message It opens the door for a whole body awareness This awareness gives you control over bringing greater peace, harmony and health in your life Embedded in these concepts is that emotions are not something to be feared, but interacted with toward a positive end Neuroscience: 9
Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health Neuroscience is now learning what philosophers have been attempting to get us to understand for centuries: The heart is the source of well-being in all ways: Mental, Physical, Spiritual Neuro-science: 10
Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health The physical body has 3 minds! Mind Mind Heart Mind Body Mind A New Model for Thinking about Emotional Makeup 11
Mind Heart Mind Body Mind Conscious Mind 10 – 15 % Unconscious Mind 85 – 90 % Automatic 12
Mind Strategize Memory Data base, Linear Logical Language Heart Mind Body Mind Conscious Mind 10 – 15 % Unconscious Mind 85 – 90 % Automatic Observes from different points of view, provides chatter, worry 13
Mind Heart Mind Body Mind Conscious Mind 10 – 15 % Unconscious Mind 85 – 90 % Automatic 14
Mind Heart Mind Body Mind Gut instinct Fight, Flee, Freeze Conscious Mind 10 – 15 % Unconscious Mind 85 – 90 % Automatic Instinctual –about survival Autonomic nervous system 90% Repeated thoughts Create fear based thinking Hold tightness in muscles Think in patterns I react I never forget I create waves of emotion You add the meaning Conscious thought Observes with pt of view Language – chatter 15
Mind Heart Mind Express what we love - our individuality Body Mind Gut instinct Fight, Flee, Freeze Conscious Mind 10 – 15 % Unconscious Mind 85 – 90 % Automatic Strongest oscillator Emotions are reflected in the rhythms Helps us govern our lives When we actively participate in compassion, gratitude, appreciation it brings us into alignment. 16
Mind Strategize Data base Memory Heart Mind Express what we love - our individuality Body Mind Gut instinct Fight, Flee, Freeze Conscious Mind 10 – 15 % Unconscious Mind 85 – 90 % Automatic Depression Loneliness Chatter Worry Fear Anxiety Tightness Tension, Disease Some Symptoms of Misalignment 17
Mind Strategize Data base Memory Heart Mind Express what we love - our individuality Body Mind Gut instinct Fight, Flee, Freeze Conscious Mind 10 – 15 % Unconscious Mind 85 – 90 % Automatic Peace Joy Happiness Contentment Calm and Quiet I am safe I am enough I belong here I am loved, lovable Some Symptoms of Alignment 18
Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health Simple Exercise: Breathe more deeply into your body and let yourself relax Put your attention on your heart beat Attempt to see it, hear it, feel it Notice the chatter in your mind may slow Ask yourself gently: “What would it be like, feel like, seem like as I am focusing on my heart beat, to feel appreciation? To feel gratitude? To let go for just this minute and allow my muscles to relax?” And then just wait for an answer to bubble up – even if it is just silence. 19
Ruth Kellogg LCSW Emotional Alignment & Optimum Health Thank you for taking your time to explore this topic. Be sure to listen to the guided imagery – it was designed to assist you in communicating with your heart more fully. Ruth Kellogg contact information: