WHAT IS CREDIT BY DEMONSTRATED MASTERY? Approved by SBE on 12/2012 and updated on 12/5/2013 (State BOE Policy GCS-M ) “Credit by Demonstrated Mastery is the process by which LEAs shall, based upon a body-of-evidence, award a student credit in a particular course without requiring the student to complete classroom instruction for a certain amount of seat time.
“Mastery” is defined as a student’s command of course material at a level that demonstrates a deep understanding of the content standards and application of knowledge. Beginning with the school year, to inform student placement for the school year, Credit by Demonstrated Mastery shall be available for all NC students in grades 6-12 for high school courses offered in at the high school and/or at the middle school setting (Algebra 1- for example is a high school level course offered at the middle school).
WHY WAS CDM ADOPTED? The CDM policy recognizes that any student may have unique, individual circumstances in his or her learning path that has allowed the student to gain a deep understanding of content of a particular course or subject area without the traditional school setting. CDM promotes personalized learning and removes the requirement for seat time for student learning and earning credit for courses so that a student may take a more advanced course in that same subject area or provide time in the class schedule to explore a new topic. It allows subject-level acceleration without requiring full grade-level acceleration. To ensure there is a clear process for earning course credit
WHAT DOES THE STUDENT ACTUALLY EARN? Students receive a pass/fail grade – Does NOT impact GPA
FOR WHOM IS CDM INTENDED? Any NC public school student who is able to show a deep understanding of the content without the seat-time and classroom learning experience. Not intended initially for the masses; intended for the highly advanced student of a specific content. Student does NOT need to be identified as AIG.
HOW DOES A STUDENT EARN CDM? This multi-phase assessment process builds a body-of-evidence that allows a committee to determine if the student has a deep understanding of the standards for the course or subject. Multi-phase assessment Phase 1: Student examination demonstrating foundational knowledge, using an EOC, CTE or other LEA exam Phase 2: Student artifact demonstrating application of knowledge, such as Capstone Projects in CTE courses, interview, or project. Other evidence as LEA deems necessary
TIMELINE/PROCESS Student applies for CDM—LEA sets timeline for applying for CDM (Fall semester: 9/3/2014) & (Spring semester: 1/23/2015) Assessment Phase I: standard examination exam EOC (testing windows defined by state) –See following scale scores exhibiting a superior understanding: Math I ≥264, Biology ≥261, English II ≥165 CTE Post Assessment- 93% or better Non-CTE/EOC Assessment-94% or better Assessment Phase II: artifacts Assigned, developed, and scored by Content Area team of specialists (Three- dimensional, paper-based, electronic, oral interviews-this list is not inclusive) Requires the student to apply knowledge and skills relevant to the content standards. LEAs may require additional requirements, such as performance tasks. CDM District Review Team reviews student results & documents, and makes decision Parents/Students are informed of decision
PAMLICO COUNTY SCHOOLS FALL/SPRING TIMELINES SPRING 2015 Sept 3 Applications due to Guidance Office Sept 16 Testing Oct 1 Testing results reported to families and artifacts assigned Oct 31 Artifacts due Nov 3-7 Artifacts reviewed by district team Nov 14 Artifact results reported to families Nov 26 Applications for appeals due to Guidance Office Dec 1-5 Appeals reviewed Dec 8 Appeals decision reported to families FALL 2014 Jan 23 Applications due to Guidance Office Feb 18 Testing Mar 6 Testing results reported to families and artifacts assigned Mar 31 Artifacts due Apr Artifacts reviewed by district team Apr 20 Artifact results reported to families Apr 30 Applications for appeals due to Guidance Office May 4-8 Appeals reviewed May 11 Appeals decision reported to families
CDM APPEALS PROCESS Appeal Process available only to students that reach phase II Developed by the District (under construction) Opportunity for family to appeal committee decision regarding earning CDM Policy should be provided to families prior to starting CDM process Appeals should occur within 10 days of receiving notification of unsuccessful attempt A subset of CDM review teams will review and finalize appeal decision within 10 days of submission Decisions of the Appeals teams are final Note: EOG/EOC scores are not appealable
UNSUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Phase I: Students who do not score the required scale score → No retesting; Student may not try again → No transcript record of failed attempts → Does not affect grades (GPA) Phase II: → Timeline/Process for appeal…committee makes decision based on information
All standard level high school courses offered in the district are included unless on Exemption list. Exemption list: Honors, AP or IB CTE (work-based learning courses, those with clinical setting) CTE Advanced Studies courses ELL courses Healthful Living required courses, CPR WHAT COURSES ARE INCLUDED?
PAMLICO COUNTY SCHOOLS DISTRICT CDM TEAM Lisa Jackson: Principal, Pamlico County High School Carolyn Squires: Counselor, Pamlico County High School CA Reed: Counselor, Pamlico County High School Sherry Meador: Director of Curriculum and Instruction Virginia Simmons: Director of Exceptional Children Services/AIG Noland Hicks: Director of Career and Technical Education Nancy Ross: District Accountability/Testing Coordinator Barbara Miller: Principal, Pamlico County Middle School Department Chair/Lead in Subject: Curriculum area that is being applied for through CDM
LONG TERM CONSIDERATIONS All pathways for advanced learning through grade 12 should be considered GPA and quality points – will NOT be earned, only credit Athletics – not recommended for collegiate athletes Diploma Endorsements – implications for requirements of NC Academic Scholars Endorsement and others
COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS Do we have to make separate and new assessments for every high school course? NO. LEAs may use any assessment they believe represents the content of the course. Idea: Collect current tests and have a committee choose one to use. Begin with the courses based on need.
COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS Is CDM just for AIG students? NO. CDM is an opportunity for any student to demonstrate a deep understanding of a particular course. CDM is open across all content areas, including CTE.
COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS Can LEAs just use an exam (Phase 1) and not do the artifact (Phase 2)? NO. SBE policy states that CDM will be earned through a multi-phase assessment. Can we use NC Final Exams as Phase 1? In the future. DPI plans for LEAs to have access to some NC Final Exams in Spring 2015.
COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS What course do I use when a student earns CDM? Use the actual course code that matches the CDM course. Powerschool entry details will be released soon. The plan is to enter CDM in the grading section, similar to where you enter Audit, P/F, etc.
COMMONLY ASKED QUESTIONS When completing a CDM for a CTE course, are you still eligible for articulated credit? NO- Students need to be aware that awarding articulated credit at the community college requires both a course grade of at least a B and a post-assessment score of 93 or higher. Because you do not earn a grade in a CDM course, the student will NOT be eligible for articulated credit.
SUPPORT STRUCTURES Local Resources Pamlico County Schools Webpage (look under For Parents and/or For Students) State Resources Wiki with Implementation Guide