Membership Promotion (MP) PAOE & AWARDS (Recognition Programs)
PAOE – Presidential Award of Excellence Blue & Red Ribbon Green Ribbon Lincoln Bouillon Award Programs What awards and recognition programs do we have?
A points system for goal setting Set by the Society president An awards competition between chapters In many ways, a job description! All PAOE details are on – requires login Staying active with PAOE ensures your chapter stays on track. PAOE changes each year, so be sure you are looking at PAOE for the current Society year. PAOE What is PAOE?
50 points if Membership Promotion Committee has 5 members, or is 3% of chapter members (whichever is less as of June 30*) 200 points if delinquencies are 2% or less of total Chapter Area Assigned Members (as of June 30*) 50 points for Membership Promotion event at chapter meeting, or for specific organized MP event (e.g., member bring a member, etc.) (100 points maximum) 25 points for retention of each new member (dues paid second and third year) 300 points maximum PAOE Set by President Tom Phoenix
10 points for each upgrade from associate to member 10 points for recruiting past members who have been cancelled for a year or more 5 points for recognition of new members and advancements at each chapter meeting (50 points maximum) 5 points for each potential member who is invited and attends monthly meetings (30 points (6 people) max per monthly meeting = 360 points annual max) PAOE Set by President Tom Phoenix
YEA Activities: 50 points for each YEA event at chapter meeting for specific organized YEA event (100 points maximum) 25 points for each new member YEA Member (300 points maximum) 25 points for each new member sponsored by YEA 25 points for each YEA activity outside of chapter meeting (100 points maximum) (10 bonus points if the event is held with Membership Promotion or Student Activities) 25 points for each YEA activity outside of chapter meeting that includes a technical component (100 points maximum) RVC Assigns: 100 points for the incoming Chapter Membership Promotion committee chair attending centralized training 100 points for the incoming chapter Membership Promotion Committee Chair attending the MP CRC workshop 100 points for an MP Chair holding the position for a 2nd or 3rd year 75 points for planning/goal setting session with RVC (points assigned by RVC by October 1) 0 to 50 points for achieving goals established in goal-setting session with RVC (points assigned by RVC by June 30) PAOE Set by President Tom Phoenix under Society Groups tab select Chapters Scroll down and click on the link for the PAOE page Login with your address and personal password Select ‘Update PAOE Chapter Totals (Authorized Users Only)’ Select year and enter your chapter’s logon and password –All lower case, no spacing, the last three characters of the password are numeric Select the PAOE category to enter points If needed, detailed instructions with screenshots are located towards the bottom of the PAOE page For assistance, contact Vickie Grant at How to Enter PAOE Where do I enter PAOE for my chapter?
The Blue & Red Ribbons recognize the membership successes of individual chapters To qualify, chapters must reach par in the membership growth column of the PAOE First-place is awarded to the chapter in each region that obtains the highest points in the MP category of PAOE –Award consists of a blue ribbon and is accompanied by a certificate and handed out at CRC Second-place is awarded to the chapter in each region that obtains the second highest points in the MP category of PAOE –Award consists of a red ribbon and is accompanied by a certificate and handed out at CRC Blue & Red Ribbon What are these and how can I attain them?
Established in 2009 Recognizes and supports online membership transactions (applications and renewals) in honor of sustainability The chapter in each region with the highest percentage (based on total number of members) of online transactions receives the award Presentation and recognition for award is held at the CRC (Chapter Regional Conference) Green Ribbon What is it and how can I attain it?
Established in 1967 in memory of President Lincoln Bouillon Given each year to the Society member who has performed the most outstanding job in supporting the membership of the Society Criteria include: –Increasing chapter membership –Reducing the number of delinquent members –Increasing the number of members who advance The recipient is determined by majority vote of the Society MP Committee and confirmed by the Board of Directors Chapters should consider top membership performers from previous year and submit names as recommendations to RVC for MP by September 15 Lincoln Bouillon Award What is it and how can I attain it?
Group Discussion PAOE & Awards All of the MP training materials can be found on your USB and at: Staff Support You have two staff contacts at ASHRAE Headquarters in Atlanta, GA, USA. They are: Daniel B. Gurley, Manager of Membership address: Phone: (678) Rhiannon Loomis, Asst Manager of Membership address: Phone: (678) What questions do you have?