TODAY’S AGENDA Describe EMS-C goals & vision Provide Alameda County status report Identify priority projects Discuss opportunities for future collaboration Facilitate discussion: ideas for partnerships & feedback
WHAT IS EMS-C? National initiative designed to reduce child and youth disability and death due to severe illness and injury.
GOALS When prevention fails, ensure that all ill or injured children & adolescents receive state of the art emergency medical care from: prehospital personnel ED personnel rehabilitation specialists To ensure that acutely ill & injured children have access to high quality, coordinated, & comprehensive emergency / critical care services appropriate for a child's special needs.
STATE EMS-C MODEL EMS Authority developed: guidelines standards key products comprehensive model for EMS-C services The EMS-C Model - a continuum of care for: detection of an illness or injury emergency department care rehabilitation
5-YEAR PLAN (2001 – 2005) Improve data collection & quality improvement Integrate pediatric issues in all aspects of EMS Expand illness & injury prevention, first aid and CPR Optimize pediatric emergency, trauma & critical care capabilities Develop broad based support for improving EMS-C Improve / expand pediatric emergency training Coordinate local, state, federal & private agency EMS-C efforts Ensure universal access to EMS system
ROLE OF THE STATE Provides guidance to local planning efforts EMSA #196 EMS-C program “Standards of Practice” and 5 year plan (published November 1994) Partners with Alameda County: State Projects Consists of multidisciplinary pediatric experts State Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) EMS-C Coordinators
Humboldt Siskiyou Modoc LassenShastaTrinity Tehama Plumas Sierra Butte Glenn Nevada Placer Colusa Mendocino Lake Sonoma Napa Yolo Sutter Yuba El Dorado Amador Alpine Mono Tuolumne Sacramento San Joaquin Solano Contra Costa Marin San Francisco San Mateo Santa Cruz Alameda Santa Clara Stanislaus Merced Mariposa Madera San Benito Monterey Fresno Inyo Kings Tulare Kern San Luis Obispo Santa Barbara Ventura Los Angeles San Bernardino Riverside Orange San Diego Imperial EMS-C systems in place not funded by EMSA EMSC programs funded by EMSA No EMSC system in place Calaveras Del Norte EMS-C PROGRAMS IN CALIFORNIA
MISSION STATEMENT In Alameda County, the goal of the EMS-C program is: To reduce pediatric morbidity & mortality from injury & illness To develop, implement, & integrate State/National EMS-C activities into entire spectrum of care for children & youth (under 21 years). To include prevention & detection of illness or injury, community preparedness, EMS, critical care, & rehabilitation.
PURPOSE Provide a continuum of care for pediatric patients: ED’s and trauma centers Rehabilitation Adolescents at risk Facilitate clinical components: Injury prevention Illness / injury care
ADVISORY MEETINGS ED Medical Director American Academy Pediatrics Private Pediatricians Children’s ED physician and nurse Pediatric Trauma Nurse Coordinator EMS Med Director Paramedic Educators Fire Chiefs & EMS Liaisons Community Injury Prevention
PEDIATRIC “BEST PRACTICES” Facilitate and evaluate prehospital personnel pediatric education emergency medical equipment Develop specialized pediatric treatment protocols Conduct hospital “Site Visits” – assess pediatric capability in trauma centers Promote innovative new projects: special needs; mental health issues
ALAMEDA COUNTY EMS-C Includes expert partners & collaborations:Includes expert partners & collaborations: Public Health: EMS & Maternal Child Health Children’s Hospital Community advocates Facilitate priority projects: Emergency school guidelines Hospital evaluations: site visits Special needs: mental health Emergency information card Danny Foundation: “safe crib project” Safe kids
ALAMEDA COUNTY EMS-C (cont.) Prehospital equipment, protocols, & educationPrehospital equipment, protocols, & education Emergency room guidelinesEmergency room guidelines Transport guidelinesTransport guidelines Inter-facility transfer guidelinesInter-facility transfer guidelines Cross-border transfersCross-border transfers Cross-border dataCross-border data Community integration into injury & illness preventionCommunity integration into injury & illness prevention
COLLABORATION / INTEGRATION Educators/Child Care Preparedness Prevention TRIPP & PEPP Pediatric Standards Telemedicine School Nurses Special Needs ED groups Case Workers
DEVELOPING EMS-C Links – Public Health Improve training Develop resources Community needs Managed care Funding coalitions Public knowledge Multi-cultural access
Alameda County Emergency Medical Services Agency A Division of the Public Health Department 1000 San Leandro Blvd. San Leandro CA (510) (510) fax website: EMS for children For More Information