Welcome to 8 th Grade Parent Night! Academics: Planning the Next Four Years 1
Your Administrators & Counselors Sandra Macut Sandra MacutPrincipal David SimancekJan Kauzlarich David SimancekJan Kauzlarich Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Sue Calvo Sue Calvo Athletic Director/ AP Sue CalvoCounselors Cheryl Reger A-G Daniel Nolen H-N Daniel Nolen H-N Dave Carey O-Z 2
Counseling Services Academic Academic Personal Personal Support Groups Support Groups Crisis Crisis Career Career 3
Course Registration Guide The updated course selection book is available online at (follow the links to the High School and then Course Registration Guide). Every 8 th grader will receive a copy Thursday & Friday 4
The Course Selection Book Has Helpful Info… Course descriptions Information on prerequisites Graduation requirements Testing-out procedures Dual Enrollment Career Pathways / 4-year plan (EDP) Co-op Skill Center Co-Curricular Activities And much, much, more! 5
Credits for Graduation To earn a diploma, a student must earn at least 23 credits Each year 3 credits a semester and 6 for a school year A student can earn 24 credits during four years of high school 6
Michigan Merit Curriculum High School Graduation Requirements MATHEMATICS - 4 Credits Algebra I Geometry Algebra II One math course in final year of high school Algebra IIONLINE LEARNING One math co ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS - 4 Credits English Language Arts 9 English Language Arts 11 English Language Arts 10 English Language Arts 12 SCIENCE - 3 Credits Biology One additional science credit Physics or Chemistry SOCIAL STUDIES - 3 Credits.5 credit in Civics.5 credit in Economics U.S. History and Geography World History and Geography PHYSICAL EDUCATION & HEALTH - 1 Credit VISUAL, PERFORMING AND APPLIED ARTS - 1 Credit ONLINE LEARNING EXPERIENCE Course, Learning or Integrated Learning Experience LANGUAGE OTHER THAN ENGLISH - 2 Credits In grades 9-12; OR an equivalent learning experience in grades K-12 effective for students entering third grade in 2006 (Class 2016) 7
Students Are Required toTake the MME (Michigan Merit Exam) The MME is the state assessment administered in March of a student’s junior year. The MME consists of three major components: – –The ACT college entrance exam – –Work Keys job skills assessments in reading and math – –Michigan assessments in math, science, social studies, and persuasive writing. The combined MME assessment measures student learning of the Michigan high school standards, benchmarks, and core content expectations. 8
Curriculum Swartz Creek High School 9
Science Sequencing Options 9 th GradeBiology Honors Biology (Co-rec College Geometry) 10th GradePhysical Science Honors Chemistry (Co-rec College Geometry or above) 11th GradeChemistry Honors Physics AP Biology AP Chemistry 12th GradePhysics Honors Physics AP Biology AP Chemistry 10
English Sequence Options 9 th English 9 Honors English 9 10 th English 10 Honors English th English 11 AP English Language 12 th English 12AP English Literature 12
Social Studies 9 th World History 10 th US History AP US History 11 th Government 0.5 Economics 0.5 AP Government th None Required Economics
FOUR-YEAR PLAN Component of Educational Development Plan (EDP) GradeEnglishSocial Studies MathScienceElective 9 th 10 th 11 th 12 th 14
SAMPLE: FOUR-YEAR PLAN Component of Educational Development Plan (EDP) GradeEnglish Social Studies MathScienceElective 9 th English 9 or Honors English 9 World History Intro Algebra 1 or Algebra 1 Biology or Honors Biology Health.5 & Physical Education.5 World Language 10 th English 10 or Honors English 10 American Hist or AP American History Algebra Concepts or Geometry or College Geometry Physical Science Physics.5 & Physical Science Chemistry.5 or Honors Chemistry Computer Applications.5 &.5 VPAA World Language 11 th English 11 or AP English Language Economics.5 & Government.5 OR Economics.5 & AP Government 1.0 Geometry College Geometry Algebra 2 A Algebra 2 B College Algebra 2 Trigonometry & Algebra 3 Analysis Calculus Chemistry Physics Honors Physics Honors Chemistry AP Biology AP Chemistry.5 VPAA 12 th English 12 or AP English Literature Senior Math Course 15
Skill Center Education Programs ● Great opportunities for hands-on learning! Transportation is provided. Transportation is provided. See Course Selection Book for more detailed information on classes. See Course Selection Book for more detailed information on classes. Only for 11 th & 12 th grade students Only for 11 th & 12 th grade students These are all 3.0 credit courses These are all 3.0 credit courses 16
Career Pathways A career pathway is a plan determined by a student’s interests and abilities that ensures that what he/she learns in school connects to his/her long term goals. Encourage your son/daughter to choose classes that support his/her career pathway. 17
Career Pathways Arts and Communications Business, Management, Marketing and Technology Engineering / Manufacturing and Industrial Technology Health Sciences Human Services Natural Resources and Agriscience 18
Scheduling Students will meet with a guidance counselor next week to select classes for next year. Students select a total of 6 credits and 4 alternate classes. 19
Welcome to 8 th Grade Parent Night! Testing 21
Testing Sequence 9 th Grade: MEAP (Oct.) – Social Studies 10 th Grade: PSAT* - practice PLAN *– pre-ACT 11 th Grade: PSAT* – qualifying test for National Merit Scholarship ACT *– required for college admissions SAT – may be required for some college admissions MME/ACT required for graduation 12 th Grade: ACT Retake *Necessary scores for dual- enrollment in 11th or 12th grade 22
PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test 10 th grade students are strongly encouraged to take the PSAT 11 th grade students compete for scholarships through PSAT test score Administered 3 rd Wednesday of October Cost = Paid for by Swartz Creek Students register in Guidance Office Counselors review scores with students 23
PLAN Test Practice ACT Excellent predictor of ACT scores PLAN is designed for 10 th grade students Counselors review scores with students 24
ACT or SAT? National Testing Companies Test scores are part of the college application process 90-95% of colleges, nationwide, accept the ACT Most colleges accept either test score Which test is required? Check resources in Guidance Office Scores are listed on high school transcript ACT website: SAT website: 25
Can a student take the ACT more than once? YES! Statistics show scores rise 1-4 points Future classes may be required to take writing portion; check requirements for specific college ACT Registration includes: completed ACT packet from Guidance Office, pay fees and mail to ACT. Online registration available, too, at
Preparation for National Tests ACT & SAT Practice tests available for both tests MSU, U of M and other colleges offer ACT and SAT prep workshops CD-ROM from ACT – “ACTive Prep” Private Test Prep Companies Practice books available at bookstores 27
Dual Enrollment Allows a student to enroll in postsecondary for high school credit, or postsecondary credit, or both. Eligibility: – –Must be enrolled in at least one high school class. – –Must take the PSAT or PLAN in 10th grade to dual enroll in 11th grade (qualifying scores are required; see course selection book pg. 1) – –If student decides not to take SCHS’s AP same subject course, he/she does so at own expense credit college courses transfer to SCHS as 1.0 credit credit college courses transfer to SCHS as 0.5 credit. 28
Advanced Placement AP courses prepare students for the exam AP courses prepare students for the exam Rigorous, multiple-component exam Rigorous, multiple-component exam Administered every May Administered every May Open to any student Open to any student Students can earn college credit, placement, or both for qualifying AP Exam grades Students can earn college credit, placement, or both for qualifying AP Exam grades Exam Fee $ Exam Fee $
Testing Out Procedures High School credit may be earned in any course offered by the school by testing out. This applies to all SCHS courses (except courses lower in sequence of those already passed). Student must attain a 77% or above on the course assessment exam. 30
Testing Out Timelines Sign Up: – –Guidance Office (each building) April 12th – April 30th Pick Up Materials: – –High School Media Center before or after school the week of May 3 rd through the 7th Test Out Date: Aug 30th Exact Times and Room numbers to follow. 31
Athletics & Co-Curricular At SCHS 32
Athletics and Co-Curricular Eligibility All ninth grade students are eligible to participate in Swartz Creek’s athletic program during their first semester of high school regardless of previous academic achievement. To remain eligible for participation in Swartz Creek interscholastic sports programs; regular education, special education, second semester freshmen and all students at other grade levels must pass four classes (66% of credit load potential for a full time student) during the semester immediately preceding their sport’s first practice. The period of ineligibility following a deficiency at the end of a semester is 60 scheduled school days. Students become eligible on their 61st scheduled school day provided they have been doing passing work cumulatively for the previous 60 days. In addition, students must maintain a grade point average (G.P.A.) of “C” or 2.0 at the conclusion of each marking period or semester. The student’s grades will be checked at the end of each marking period and/or semester to validate that they are eligible to participate. Eligibility is determined at the end of each marking period and is cumulative through one semester. At the end of a semester, the grade will be used to determine eligibility. Students not meeting the 2.0 standard but wish to participate may appeal in writing to the athletic director. However, these students will observe a two week waiting period to establish a new grade point average for the beginning of their new marking period/semester. At the end of these two weeks if the student has obtained a 2.0 or higher they are immediately eligible and will continue to be monitored on a weekly basis. 33
NCAA Freshman Eligibility Standards Division I 16-Core Courses 4 yrs. English 3 yrs Math (Alg. 1 or higher) 2 yrs. Natural/Physical sci. (1 yr. lab if offered) 1 yr. additional English, Math or Natural/Physical sci. 2 yrs. Social Science 4 yrs. additional courses (from any area above, foreign language or nondoctrinal religion/philosophy) Division II 14 Core Courses: 3 yrs. English 2 yrs Math (Alg. 1 or higher) 2 yrs. Natural/Physical sci. (1 yr. lab if offered) 2 yr. additional English, Math or Natural/Physical sci. 2 yrs. Social Science 3 yrs. additional courses (from any area above, foreign language or nondoctrinal religion/philosophy) 34
Division I Core GPA/ Text-Score Sliding Scale Core GPASATACT (Sum of three sections) & above
For More Information or Or
FALL SPORTS Cross Country (B/G) Football Golf (G) Soccer* (B) Swimming (G) Tennis (B) Volleyball* Cheerleading* Poms* *TRY-OUTS REQUIRED 38
WINTER SPORTS Basketball* (B/G) Bowling (B/G) Competitive Cheer* Hockey* Swimming (B) Wrestling Poms* *TRY-OUTS REQUIRED 39
SPRING SPORTS Baseball* (B) Golf* (B) Lacrosse (B/G) Soccer* (G) Softball* (G) Tennis (G) Track (B/G) Poms* * TRY-OUTS REQUIRED 40
It is important to get involved in high school, balancing academics and co-curricular activities. The following are great ways to be involved! Freshman Class SponsorMrs. Kauzlarich Sophomore Class SponsorsMrs. Brown/Mrs. Karagosian Junior Class SponsorMrs. Kunkleman/Ms. Pettit Senior Class SponsorsMs. Shyamsunder/Ms. Camp Drama ClubMr. Butters K.E.Y. ClubMrs. Boros National Honor SocietyMrs. Kauzlarich Quiz BowlMrs. Kunkleman Road RunnersMr. Wiens S.A.D.D.Mrs. Pasquale/Ms. Michalczuk Science OlympiadMr. Dorow Student CouncilMrs. Kauzlarich Swartz Creek SportsMs. Calvo 41
Welcome to 8 th Grade Parent Night! Getting the Most Out of High School 42
The Key to Success in High School… Study Skills 43
Understanding the Difference Between Homework and Studying Homework – completing an assignment Studying – outlining a chapter, rewriting notes, or making flashcards. 44
Study Guideline Students should be spending a minimum of 20 minutes on homework / study time per academic subject each day (5 days a week). – – 5 academic subjects = 1 hr. 40 min. of study time daily (average) 45
Homework Use a planner everyday! Set up a study space free from distractions Determine what time of day is best to study Turn off the TV and phone Organize – use three- ring binders and homework folders Go to tutoring if struggling Make up missed assignments right away 46
How Do Students Learn Best? Visual Learner – learns best from videos, TV, pictures, reading, and demonstrations. When studying, a “visual learner” may find it helpful to: Take notes Use flash cards, charts, and diagrams Form pictures in his/her mind Make use of color in notes Outline and read the textbook 47
Auditory Learner – learns best from lectures, discussions, TV, videos, and music. When studying, an “auditory learner” may find it helpful to: Read aloud Have discussions Listen to tapes Review information out loud Use memory tricks involving rhythm and rhyme 48
Kinesthetic Learner – learns best from role-playing, labs, and hands-on activities. When studying, a “kinesthetic learner” should: Try moving around while studying Use tools and objects whenever possible Write or type notes Role play ideas and concepts 49
When Reading Assignments, Encourage Your Son/Daughter To… Read summary or chapter review first Read chapter questions Skim chapter – topics to be discussed Read notes in margins Read captions for pictures / graphs Read entire chapter Answer chapter questions Write his/her own chapter summary or outline 50
On Taking Notes In Class… Write key points (i.e. names, dates, terms) Write information teacher repeats or emphasizes Copy what teacher writes on board or overheads Rewrite notes Write questions on material 51
On Studying for Tests… Prepared students perform better Cramming for tests is never best! Review notes, highlight important points Create flash cards (review frequently) Review quizzes and homework from same unit – – look up correct answers to missed questions Read chapter summaries Take notes and make outline from reading Study with a buddy! Quiz your student Make them SLEEP! Make them EAT BREAKFAST! 52
If Your Student is Not Successful in Class Require use of a planner Make arrangements to meet with teacher(s) before or after school Communicate with teachers via Check PowerSchool frequently Expect that your student make up missed assignments even if credit cannot be earned for the assignments Monitor student’s attendance record 53
Attendance Policy Parents call attendance office for explained absence. The attendance policy is most effective if parents call the morning of the absence 54
Attendance Continued… Tardies and Lateness Parent will receive a phone call from the automated system for each occurrence. Lates, tardies, and unexcused absences may affect student grades. Progression of consequences are: Warning Contact parent Detention Saturday School Out-of-School 55
Student Concerns Where to go for help… Academic Assistance – – After school tutoring (Mondays & Wednesday from 2:30 – 4:00 – – Ketchup Cafe Student Issues & Concerns – – Parents – – Teachers – – Guidance counselors – – Safety Team (hall monitors) – – Assistant Principal/Principal 56
Infomation Information Daily Announcements PowerSchool School web page ParentLink Staff 57
Thank You! 58