INTRODUCTION The following slides are going to show you many facts, and pictures that will persuade you to pack your bags and have a vacation in Keystone, Colorado.
THE COUNTRY Colorado is a state in the USA USA is located at the bottom of North America USA stands for the United States of America USA contains 51 states
INFO ABOUT COLORADO The population of Colorado was 5,268,367 in 2013 Colorado is right under the province of Alberta Colorado is famous for there skiing Colorado shares the rocky mountain chain with Canada The official language in Colorado is English The currency in Colorado is the American dollars
TOURIST ATTRACTIONS Skiing resorts with elevations of over 12,000 ft Mountain biking trails for summer Mountain biking Amazing natural scenery Amazing winter activities like skiing, skating, and sledding Keystone mountain resort
Colorado’s National Flag
Weather in Keystone Summer temperatures tend to be in the 50's f winter temperatures tend to be in the 10's f warmest time of year, July an average temperature of degrees Fahrenheit Coldest time of year January an average temperature of 0.20 degrees Fahrenheit. The annual average precipitation at Keystone is Inches
Map of Keystone
Places to stay Mountain Thunder Lodge The Keystone lodge and spa Keystone Lakeside Village by Keystone Resort Alpine Inn Keystone ResortsKeystone Resorts HotelPrice Keystone lodge and spa$239 Mountain thunder lodge$189 Alpine inn$70 Keystone lakeside village$219
TRANSPORTATION TO KEYSTONE Take a shuttle bus from Denver to keystone From Toronto Pierson get on a flight to Denver airport in ColoradoDenver airport The flight cost will be in range of $250 to $750
Culture in keystone Implications for Ecological Conservation and RestorationEcological Conservation and Restoration Very active community Very big on skiing/snowboarding