NED and post-NED WUT involvement NED S.C. meeting Maciej Chorowski
The NED cryostat, construction phase at WUT Copper thermal shields Recuperative heat exchanger
Schemat kriostatu wykonanego w I-20 dla NED (Next European Dipole) w ramach VI PR
Optimization of thermal insulation of the NED cryostat
Thermal shields location optimization
Simplified geometry of the magnet FEM model and boundary conditions of the collar fin for the heat transfer simulations Input data: 1. Geometry of fin 2. Material properties of stainless steel and polyimide (density, specific heat and thermal conductivity) 3. Evolution of the coil temperature 4. Boundary conditions from two-volume model 5. Heat transfer coefficients
Example of numerical calculation a). Pictorial view of simplified geometry of numerical calculations with the selected points of the collar b) Evolution of the temperature in the fin Animation of evolution of temperature in the fin
Stability tests of QRL bellows, commissioning of the LHC
Reception tests of cryogenic systems Reception test of the LHC Cryogenic Distribution Line in sector 7-8 (sub-sectors A and B) Reception test of the LHC Cryogenic Distribution Line in sector WUT-CERN collaboration - performed in aims: ● to verify overal behaviour of the line at cryogenic temperatures; ● to measure heat inleaks to the circuts K and 50-80K
Reception tests of cryogenic systems Temperature evolutions of the Cryogenic Distribution Line main headers during the reception test in sector 8-1 Heat inleak 11-Dec8818 W 12-Dec9007 W 13-Dec8920 W Heat inleak with JR without JR 11-Dec633.3 W603.9 W 12-Dec632.9 W582.3 W 13-Dec635.1 W572.5 W Measured heat inleaks to circuit K Measured heat inleaks to circuit K
Reception tests of cryogenic systems The LHC Cryogenic Distribution Line during the reception tests in sector 8-1 Some members of WUT cryogenic grup in the LHC tunnel
Development of Ag alloys for BSCCO tape sheaths
Mechanical properties of designed alloys Ambient temperature – state after annealing at 830°C/10h
Mechanical properties of designed alloys 77K – state after annealing at 830°C/10h
Analysis of oxygen diffusion and internal oxidation in BSCCO tape sheath
Thermal conductivity of sheath material – state after oxidation at 830°C/30h
Sheath manufacturing 75 mm
BSCCO/Ag/Ag BSCCO/Ag/Ag-Mg BSCCO/Ag/Ag-Sn BSCCO/Ag/Ag-Cu-Zr BSCCO/Ag/Ag-Cu-Ni BSCCO tapes manufacturing (IFW Dresden) 20 mm
WUT proposed involvement in WP WP1 mat. 20 keuro, personnel 12 keuro WP2 mat. 150 keuro, personnel 380 keuro WP3 mat. 20 keuro, personnel 48 keuro WP4 mat. 20 keuro, personnel 48 keuro WP5 mat 20 keuro, personnel 24 keuro
WUT proposed involvement 850 keuro 230 keuro mat 620 keuro personnel