Silver Birch Summer 2015 Castles & Kings Once upon a time………. Creative;Art, DT & Music Our topic will be the inspiration throughout the Art/DT we do this term. We will be painting portraits, learning new skills such as wax resist and using collage or fabric in imaginative ways. We will also be designing siege weapons, using different materials to build them & finally testing & evaluating their performance. Any volunteers to help us with this day would be fab! Date TBC. Music Continuing to learn to play ocarinas with Mrs Mac & learning to sing new songs with Mrs Woodfine. Maths, Science & Computing Maths Number; Place value (putting numbers on a number line & rounding to the nearest 10), addition(adding 2 digit numbers, doubling numbers & solving word problems), subtraction(mental subtraction, halving numbers & solving word problems), multiplication & division(both written & mental, 2/5/10 & 3 times tables) & fractions (halves, quarters, three-quarters & thirds of amounts). Measure; Money (adding/subtraction coins/amounts) & time(nearest quarter hour & 5 minutes). Geometry; Shape (properties of 3D/solid shapes) Statistics; Data (collecting data and understanding block graphs) Science Plants; The children will observe inside seeds & bulbs and describe how they grow into mature plants. They find out & describe how plants needs water, light & a suitable temperature to grow & stay healthy. They will observe & find seeds in the local environment. Materials; The children will identify & compare the suitability of some everyday materials for particular uses. Plastics & fabrics are looked at in detail. Computing; Using the theme ‘We are story tellers’, the children will create a talking book that they can share with others. Computing-digital literacy Creating an audio story with dialogue & sound effects. Physical, Personal, social & emotional wellbeing; PE & PSHEE PE Games; Wednesday; outside equipment & skills. Thursdays; Football coaching. Please remember trainers/plimsolls, tie back your child’s hair & remove earrings, thank you. Circle Time Using the theme ‘Healthy Bodies, healthy mind’, the children will learn to identify different feelings, stress, how to cope with it and the importance of a balanced diet. Communication, Language & literacy; English & MFL Reading & writing poetry, recounts, information texts and stories., starting with the traditional tale, Cinderella. We will also be continuing to focus on grammar, punctuation, handwriting, spelling & comprehension during our weekly sessions. Guided reading; These will focus on comprehension skills this term. In small groups, the children will be reading a small section of text (either fiction/non fiction) and will have to write the answers on a question sheet. MFL; French words for friends & family Trips & Visits-letters will be sent out shortly Cathedral trip; 12/5/15, all day. We will be going to the cathedral with Cherry class, to see & learn about Magna Carta and participate in related activities. Your child will need to bring a packed lunch & please let us know if you can come along to help. Cost will (TBC) -to pay for materials used at the Cathedral workshops. Farleigh Hungerford Castle trip; Date & cost TBC. We are waiting to hear from English Heritage about the arrangements for this visit. It will take place in the final Summer term after the holiday. People, time & place; History, Geography & RE Our new topic has a very historical feel this term & is directly linked to the 800 th anniversary of Magna Carta. The children will be learning about some local history, the British Isles, our Capital cities, an influential King & how people lived & defended themselves in the past. There will be lots of opportunities to make and create hats, machines & maps, as well as our exciting learning visits to the Cathedral & Farleigh Castle. We will even have a special ‘dress up’ day for knights, nobles & ladies! RE Learning about Judaism. Reflective Area Thinking about roots & what they represent for Christians in the Bible.