Why Theater and Music Matter? The study of how the integration of Theater and Music in the classroom shows an increase in students’ attention span. Kirsten.


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Presentation transcript:

Why Theater and Music Matter? The study of how the integration of Theater and Music in the classroom shows an increase in students’ attention span. Kirsten Porcelli Edu Dr. O’Conner-Petruso

Table of Contents Introduction ] Statement of the Problem ] Review of Related Literature ] Statement of the Hypothesis Method ] Participants ] Instruments ] Experimental Design/Threats to Validity ] Procedure Results ] Correlational Graphs/Charts Discussion Implications

Introduction Statement of the Problem Administrator’s look at the arts as an extra curricular activity, therefore the arts are the first programs to be cut when they are being cautious with their budget. They don’t understand that the arts, music and theater to be exact, are not extra curricular. There are many students that are gifted in the arts and by catering to that and providing them with the education that can enhance their gifts, they can excel in college and there after. Actress Cynthia Nixon (2005, pp. 3-4) stated the following: People are different, and children are people. Some people love books, some people love numbers, some people love ball, some people love to paint. We have to find a way to make school an exciting and welcoming place. For every kid who doesn't know how to read yet, maybe they're excited to go to school that day because they have gym. These things are not extras, these things are all important. We can't just educate the brain in one narrow way.

Introduction Review of Related Literature Theoretical Frameworks Howard Gardner Theory of Multiple Intelligences Lev Vygotsky Socio-Historical Howard Gardner Lev Vygotsky

Introduction Review of Related Literature Positive Impact of Music & Theater On Social, Cognitive & Academic Development Mason, Steedly & Thormann (n.d.); Zastrow (2004); Catterall (2002); Wood (2006; 2007); Allen (2004); Mckean & Yarnelle (2007); UCLA SMP Ed News (2006); Harvey (1997); Beck & Appel (n.d.); Davis (1994); Blakeslee (2002) Increase of Expression & Communication Crehan (n.d); MENC: The National Association for Music Education (1991); Humphreys (2007); Vermont Arts Council (2006); Blakeslee (2002); Giles (n.d.); UCLA SMP Ed News (2006); Teachers College, Columbia University (n.d.); McKean & Yarnelle (2007)

Introduction Review of Related Literature Music Increases the Attention Span Stanford University Medical Center (2007); Wood (2006; 2007); Singh (1999); American Ed Learning Center ( ); Davis (1994); Teachers College, Columbia University (n.d.); Blakeslee (2002) Research/Studies on the Benefits of Arts Integration Burnaford, Brown, Doherty, & McLaughin (2007); Betts, Fisher, & Hicks (n.d.); Manitoba Education ( 2004); NCES (2002); Kessler (2008); NYCDOE (2008)

Introduction Statement of the Hypothesis  H1 - There will be an increase in attention span for 17 students in the gifted and talented first grade class at a public school in Brooklyn, NY when music and theater is integrated into the curriculum.

Methods Participants  17 1st grade gifted and talented students from a public school in Brooklyn. ] Students: 14 girls and 3 boys ] Parents: 12 females and 5 males ] Classroom teacher: 1 female Instruments ] Parent/student consent form ] Parent questionnaire ] Student questionnaire ] Teacher questionnaire ] Student timed writing (pre and post-test) ] Music and theater curriculum

Methods Experimental Design Quasi-Experimental Design Individuals were not randomly selected One designated treatment group and no control group One single group was pre-tested (O), then exposed to a treatment (X), and then post-tested (O) Symbolic Design: OXO Pre-test: Timed writing, student surveys. Treatment: Music Theater Workshop-2x a week for 4 weeks. Post test: Timed writing

Methods Threats to internal validity: ] History ] Maturation  Instrumentation ] Selection-maturation interaction Threats to external validity:  Selection-treatment interaction  Specificity of Variables  Multiple Treatment  Experimenter Effects

Methods Procedure ] Research conducted (February 2009-April 2009) ] February- Permission granted for study ] March 3rd - Student questionnaires completed/parent questionnaires sent home. ] March 5th & 6th - Timed students writing (pre-test) ] March 10th-April 2nd - Music Theater Workshop/ teacher questionnaire completed ] April 2nd- Parent questionnaires collected ] April 7th-9th- Timed students writing (post test).

Results ] Parent attitude survey ] Student questionnaires ] Teacher attitude survey ] Timed writings ] Correlations found

Responses to Student questionnaire 94% enjoy singing and dancing. 88% have a lot of energy in class. 100% like music. 53% do not play an instrument. 23% have trouble focusing during reading and writing. 53% like writing. Responses to Parent Attitude Survey 88% Like music 88% believe in arts integration in schools 58% believe there is not enough arts integration in schools 88% agree that their child is social 53% agree that their child has a short attention span 47% agree that their child has trouble working in groups Responses to Teacher Attitude Survey Likes music Engages in music/theater related activities outside of classroom Believes in arts integration in classroom using interdisciplinary learning. Integrates all art forms in classroom, including music and theater Students are are engaged in classroom and work well together in groups. Students do have trouble focusing during independent reading and writing. Students have short attention spans, but are confident.

Results (pre-test) Students are given a topic to write about. They are timed to measure their attention span. Writing Pre-test Class Average 6.7min

Results (post-test) Students are given the same topic to write about. They are timed to measure their attention span. Writing Post-test Class Average 7.3 min

Results (Correlation) Question # 13- I enjoy writing & Pre-test results Correlation Cooefficient : Fair (low end)  0.61rxy  -Positive correlation

Results (Correlation) Question # 13- I enjoy writing & Post-test results Correlation Cooefficient : Fair (low end)  0.642rxy  -Positive correlation

Discussion Findings are consistent with Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences (McKenzie, 1999; Harvey, 1997;) & Vygotsky’s Theory of Social Constructivism (Peter’s & Stout, 2006; Gallas, 1995; Lemke, 1993). Child needs to be socially involved in environment. Supports that there is a positive impact of music and theater on the social development of children in the classroom. (Blakeslee, 2002; Wood, ; Peter’s & Stout, 2006; Mason, Steedly & Thromann, n.d; Jere T. Humphreys, n.d; Giles n.d). Drama helps students with problem solving skills and working in group activities. Supports that Music and drama enhance confidence, which can drive students to apply themselves to be a better student (Mason, Steedly & Thromann, n.d; Wood, ). Supports that a correlation exists between high-quality arts courses and improved academic achievement (Beck and Appel, n.d; Catterall, 2002; McKean and Yarnelle, 2007)

Discussion Supports that attention span is enhanced through music and theater integration (America Ed Learning Center, n.d; Woods, ; Davis, 1994; Science Daily, 2007; Singh, 1999, Teachers College, Columbia University, n.d). Increased motivation to learn and enhances physical senses that require attention span to be heightened. Concentration is forced to be held longer. Supports that Integration of arts should be interdisciplinary (Arts Integration, Frameworks, Research & Practices, 2007; Integrating the Arts Throughout the Curriculum, 2006) Supports that arts integration in schools should be made more available in schools (NCES, 2002). There were no findings on the negative aspects of theater/music and arts integrations in schools and how they do not enhance attention span, social and cognitive development and academics.

Implications ] Diverse culteral backgrounds/SES ] Other ways to measure attention span ] Further research is needed to test the the long term increase in attention span when music and theater are integrated into curriculum. ] Bias towards music and theater (stigma). ] Education on positve effects of integration of arts needed so that administrators are willing to prioritize and set aside money in budget. Arts are first programs to be cut.