Halton District School Board French Programs
“French is important to me because I like to travel. It’s fun to learn and it helps me to make new friends.” Emma Houlston 9 yr. Old Medicine Hat F.I. Student who piloted her father’s plane from Victoria to St. John’s.
There are 3 programs: Core French - Grade 4-9 (mandatory for all students) Early French Immersion - Grade 1-12 (all geographic areas) Late French Immersion - Grade 7-12 (located in Burlington)
Mandatory for students in Grades minutes/week One GRADE 9 French credit required for secondary diploma Core French - Grade 4-9
Early French Immersion Grade 1-12 Optional program Starts in Grade 1 50% French/50% English 10 French secondary credits for French Certificate
Halton Vision Statement The French Immersion student will communicate and interact effectively in French, in a wide variety of situations within the local, national and global community.
Why a 50% French Immersion Program in Halton? In order to meet social needs In order to build on and transfer the English language skills (e.g., the ability to predict meaning) In order to learn to read in English first
Why Start in Grade One? The kindergarten year in English allows the child… to develop social skills. to learn routines. to use English in a school context.
Ontario Curriculum Integrated curriculum is a focus - Students spend 50% of their day with French as the language of instruction. Expectations for subject areas (e.g. Science) are the same for French Immersion and English students.
Effect on First Language Second language education significantly strengthens first language skills in areas of reading, vocabulary, grammar and communication skills. The earlier the start, the greater the positive effect on the first language. Source:
Employability Skills Profile Critical Skills in Canadian Workforce The ability to understand and speak the languages in which business is conducted. The ability to write effectively in the languages in which business is conducted. The ability to think critically and act logically to evaluate situations, solve problems and make decisions.
Economic Potential There is an urgent requirement for qualified speakers of languages other than English in areas of science, technology, medicine and global commerce. Source:
Citizenship Students studying a second language have excellent cross-cultural skills and may adapt better to varying cultural contexts. Students studying a second language may display greater cultural sensitivity. Source:
Considerations: What is your child’s learning style? Do all family members support the program? Does the child want to be there? How does your child deal with transition?
How Can Parents Help? Support at home Encourage children to support each other Continue English reinforcement Purchase storybooks with cassette French games, software, websites Travel
How Can Parents Help? Exchange programs French summer camps Books from the library Subscriptions to French magazines at home Canadian Parents for French (cpfont.on.ca)
Early French Immersion Grade 1-12 Transportation will be provided by the Halton district school board to French immersion centres from the associate/home schools for students who are eligible under the current transportation policy: - Grade greater than 1.6 km (1 mile) - Grade more than 4.8 km (3 miles)
What Is a French Immersion Centre? A school where students receive half of the day’s instruction in French and the other half in English A French immersion centre is a school which serves students from: - It’s own immediate area - Specific associate schools
Early French Immersion Grade 1 Registration forms should be submitted to your home school by Friday, January 14, 2011.
Late French Immersion - Grade 7 (Burlington) - 12 Optional program Starts in Grade 7 10 French secondary credits for French Diploma 50% French/50% English
Late French Immersion - Grade 7 (Burlington) - 12 No transportation provided (Sir Ernest MacMillan)