Air pollution in the United Kingdom Acid Rain in Germany Areas of focus
Air Pollution in the United Kingdom Air pollution occurs when the air contains gases, dust, fumes or odor in harmful amounts. Major natural resources in the United Kingdom are coal, natural gas, and oil. Air pollution in the United Kingdom, particularly in urban areas, continues to increase as a result of the growth in motor vehicle use. The word smog was first used to describe the air in London. SMOG-Air pollution caused by sunlight acting on the gases from automobiles and factory exhausts.
Cause? High population density. Automobile emissions. Burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas.
Coal was needed in vast quantities during the Industrial Revolution. Coal was used for centuries in Britain. Reason? Coal was cheap and easy to acquire.
Even though the use of coal has declined in the recent years, coal still continues to fuel United Kingdom’s power plants, and burns in fireplaces and stoves.
The Great Smog of 1952 Smog was so dense that, for four days, the people in London could not see what was in front of them. Effects? -Transportation slowed -Crime increased -Thousands of people died from the pollution -People began to worry about the quality of air they were breathing in.
Effects? Damage to vegetation, harm to the atmosphere, and harm to human beings. A major effect of air pollution in humans is upper respiratory illness such as asthma and pneumonia.
Acid Rain in Germany Precipitation(hail, rain, sleet, snow) that has become acidic due to atmospheric pollution. When it comes to acid rain, Germany is its own enemy. Germany is know for its large manufacturing industries. Germany is also very urbanized with a high population density.
Causes There is a strong link between air pollution and acid rain. Emissions from power stations, factories, vehicles and homes (where fossil fuels are burnt), are carried by the wind. Emissions release certain chemical compounds or pollutants. Water vapor in the air reacts with these chemical compounds. Ex: Sulfur Dioxide reacts to form sulfuric acid
Effects ► Harm to water sources, forests, trees, lakes (marine life), animals, and plants. ► In % of forests in West Germany damaged by acid rain. Half of this includes the famous Black Forest in Germany. ► The most noticeable effect of acid rain is damage to buildings, bridges, and statues.
On April 26, 1986 The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear reactor accident in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine (at the time part of the Soviet Union).
It was the worst nuclear disaster in history.
One of the nuclear reactors (#4) at the Chernobyl plant exploded. Tons of radioactive material surrounded the plant, poisoning the land and the water. Even more radioactive material entered the air, falling on northern Europe and Scandinavia
Among the most saddening and clearly the most innocent victims of the Chernobyl accident were the children. Twenty-eight years after the accident, the effects of the dangerous lingering radiation are still being observed in the children of Chernobyl and surrounding areas.
Final thoughts on Environmental Issues … Environmental issues do NOT recognize political boundaries. Most environmental issues are caused by human activity. Industrial growth and the use of technology (in spite of the benefits) has negatively impacted the environment.
SKELETON PARAGRAPH Directions: Complete the paragraph by filling in the blanks using the word bank on the screen
Word bank Acid Rain Air Pollution Asthma Cause Coal Effects Germany London Natural Resources Pollution Smog Statues