Branding, Packaging and Labeling


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Presentation transcript:

Branding, Packaging and Labeling Chapter 35 Branding, Packaging and Labeling

Branding Brand Name Brand Mark Trade Name Trade Character Trademark

Importance of Brands in Product Planning Quality Image Identifies the Firm Helps target new Markets Introduce Product Lines Establish an Image

             Types of Brands National Brands Private Brands Generic Brands

Branding Strategies Brand Extension – Fig Newton's added apple and Strawberry Flavors. Brand Licensing Co-Branding – General Motors and the Master Card Mixed Brands – Providing national brands, private brands and generic brands at the same time.

Packaging Package is the physical container or wrapping for a product. Functions of Marketing Promoting and Selling the Product Defining Product Identity Meeting Customer Needs (packs) Ensuring Safe Use Protecting the Product

Contemporary Packaging Issues Environmental Packaging – green marketing Cause Packaging

Labeling Label – is an information tag, wrapper, seal, or imprinted message that is attached to a product or its package. Include: Brand Name Logo Ingredients Weight Statements Dates Product Illustrations Storage Information UPC Manufacturers addresses etc…

Labeling Law The Federal Nutrition Labeling and Education Act – was passed to protect consumers from deceptive labeling. FDA passed this law in 1994 and requires manufacturers to disclose nutrition information and place health warnings on products such as alcohol and cigarettes.