SIGNALS Progress report Danish team Budapest 3 February 2015
New preschool Osted preschool
Research problem How to establish a co-operation between management, staff and parents in a Danish preschool aiming towards children’s health as well as their learning about health?
Research questions What view on health and children’s learning about health do pedagogues, management, parents and children possess? What practice and values characterize the works about health and health learning in preschool? What practice and values on health characterize the parent co-operation? Which potentials do pedagogues, management and parent see according a stronger parent co- operation about health? Which challenges can be identifies in the cooperation with parents?
Focus Osted preschool have decided to focus on health and children’ lunch – all lunch periods during the day Based on the hypothesis: If children get nutritional food, they will get more energy for physical activities, and mental capacity in order to involve themselves in social activities Following question appear: – How can we measure children’s well being and health? – How to involve both parents and children? WE also have focus on own values and understanding in order to make up a shared educational perspective
Project plan – four phases 1.Start, January-June Research on health and parent co-operation 2.Analyze of policy documents 3.Planning 2.August-December Agreement with new preschool: Osted Preschool 2.Carry through interviews, working with interviews 3.Intern evaluation, October 4.Parents meetings, December, on health education and parents role 5.Two staff meetings, 1.October on health and cooperation with parents; 2.December on educational theory and practice (Didaktik) and meal-eduaction
Project plan – four phases 3. January-June Development 2.Staff meeting: 3.Observation 4.Re-interview wit children 5.Re-interview with parents 4. July-December Total analyze of data 2.Discussion of data with project participants 3.Dissemination, one article is planned
Some tensions 1.The very best intentions in the co-operation with parents the specific practice 2.Parents as actual participants in preschool staff and the management’s view on parents 3.A wish about more health in preschool a variations of values on health