Activity 4A Writing a Literary Analysis (p. 85) A. Comparing Characters After reading “The Other Wife,” read “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning. Compare how the husband in each work is characterized. Discuss how point of view influences characterization.
First Draft: Two Husbands Revealed Activity 4A Writing a Literary Analysis (p. 85) First Draft: Two Husbands Revealed Two husbands. Two former wives. One wife is dead. The other is an ex-wife. In both “The Other Wife” and “My Last Duchess,” the stories center on a husband talking about a woman who was previously his wife. Each husband’s words and actions reveal the type of husband he is. (continued) Do the first sentences grab the reader’s attention? Is the thesis clear?
Activity 4A Writing a Literary Analysis (p. 85) The first husband is Marc from “The Other Wife.” Marc and his current wife, Alice, are eating at a hotel restaurant when Marc spots his ex-wife. Over lunch, Marc talks about why his marriage broke up, saying that they were incompatible. “We divorced like well-bred people, almost like friends, quietly and quickly,” he says. Later, he tells Alice that “she wasn’t happy with me. . . I just didn’t know how to make her happy, that’s all.” (continued) Is the organization of main points logical? Are quotations used effectively?
Activity 4A Writing a Literary Analysis (p. 85) Marc’s character is difficult to make out. Sometimes he seems to be a good husband to Alice. He openly complements her looks, but then hints that she shouldn’t put on too much weight. He says he and his ex-wife divorced happily, but he avoids meeting her. Even his explanation that he couldn’t make his ex-wife happy implies that she was too demanding and difficult. However, some of Marc’s behavior ordering lunch, showering her with compliments, implies that perhaps he is controlling. (continued) Does the writing clearly communicate the main ideas of the third paragraph? Is adequate textual evidence used?
Activity 4A Writing a Literary Analysis (p. 85) The second husband is the Duke from narrative poem “My Last Duchess.” In the poem, the Duke is showing a painting of his dead wife to a servant of a Count. It is mentioned that the servant has come to arrange a marriage between the Duke and the Count’s daughter. As the Duke describes the painting of his last Duchess, his words reveal the type of husband he was. (continued)
Activity 4A Writing a Literary Analysis (p. 85) The Duke comments on the “spot of joy” in the Duchess’ check seen in the painting. He explains to his guest that the Duchess was too easily impressed. He says “She had/A heart—how shall I say?—too soon made glad.” The Duke believes that the Duchess should have reserved her smiles for himself alone. After all he was the one who bestowed on her his “nine-hundred-years-old name.” The Duke describes how he gave commands that the Duchess should stop (continued) Does the essay address how point of view influences characterization, as the prompt requires?
Activity 4A Writing a Literary Analysis (p. 85) being so free with her affections. As the Duke says in his own words, “Then all smiles stopped together.” What happened to the Duchess? Did she die of unhappiness or did the Duke have a hand in her demise? Both “The Other Wife” and “My Last Duchess” leave the reader wondering if the man’s next marriage will be successful. At the end of “The Other Wife”, Marc’s current wife seems to doubt her own happiness in the marriage. Clearly, the Duke from “My Last Duchess” is not an amiable man; he is (continued) Does the essay address how point of view influences characterization, as the prompt requires?
Activity 4A Writing a Literary Analysis (p. 85) controlling and proud. Likely, his next wife will not be happy being married to him. In both stories, the men’s words and actions reveal the type of husband Although the men have vastly different personalities, neither seems to be a man who loves and respects his wife as a person. Both men seem to be expecting too much from their young wives. Does the conclusion restate the thesis? Does it bring the essay to a satisfying end?