2008 National Assessment Program- Literacy and Numeracy www.naplan.edu.au www.decs.sa.gov.au/accountability/pages/Andrews
Test timetable National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy 2008 at Years 3, 5 and 7 Year level Tuesday 13 May Wednesday 14 May Thursday 15 May Year 3 Language conventions 40 minutes Writing 40 minutes - 5 mins. to plan, 30 mins to write, 5 mins to edit Reading 45 minutes Numeracy Year 5 50 minutes Year 7 45minutes 65 minutes 40 minutes x 2 (80 minutes in total) Non-calculator test first, then calculator-allowed test
Test timetable National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy 2008 at Year 9 Year level Tuesday 13 May Wednesday 14 May Thursday 15 May Year 9 * Language conventions 45 minutes Writing 40 minutes - 5 mins. to plan, 30 mins to write, 5 mins to edit * Language conventions comprises spelling, grammar and punctuation Reading 65 minutes ** Numeracy 40 minutes x 2 (80 minutes in total) Non-calculator test first, then calculator-allowed test ** Numeracy comprises Number, Algebra, function and pattern, Space, Measurement, chance and data
Principals Handbook Details of student exemption form, to be signed by parent. Principals must finalise exemptions by 30 April Students who are provided with accommodations must use these for the tests Test security
Naplan test samples Year 3 Language conventions Practice booklets for Year 3 children will be sent to schools mid March
Year 3 Reading
Naplan test samples Year 5 Language conventions There will be about 50 questions. Half will be on spelling, and half will be on grammar and punctuation.
Year 5 Reading
Naplan test samples Year 7 Language conventions There will be between 50 to 60 questions. Half will be on spelling, and half will be on grammar and punctuation.
Year 7 Reading
Naplan test samples Year 9 Language conventions There will be between 50 to 60 questions. Half will be on spelling, and half will be on grammar and punctuation.
Year 9 Reading
Discussion Identify some of the test genre strategies that students will need, in order to demonstrate what they know and can do. How could you incorporate some of these strategies into your everyday classroom practice?
Writing stimulus The teacher reads the directions on the writing prompt aloud to all students. The prompt includes images which can support students in crafting their response. Students cannot discuss the topic.
Writing task - narrative Definition: A narrative is a time –ordered text that is used to narrate events and to create, entertain and emotionally move an audience. Other social purposes of narrative may be to inform, to persuade and to socialise. The main structural components of a narrative are the orientation, the complication and the resolution.
10 Criteria Audience Text structure Ideas Character and setting Vocabulary Cohesion Paragraphing Sentence structure Punctuation Spelling