Transport Children and Youth Leader TrainingJanuary 2011
Transport Policy Valid driving licence for a minimum of 3 years Insured appropriately (you MUST tell your insurer you are driving children & young people) Drive carefully at sensible speeds within the speed limit – it’s a good witness!
Good Practice Be wise Being alone with a child Collection and drop off points
Driving a Minibus In planning an activity for which transport is required, the organiser must check that: TBC Minibus: the driver is on the approved list of MIDAS drivers. Hiring a Minibus (normally KCC): no drivers other than those on the written agreement are allowed to drive the vehicle. As the driver you are responsible for checking that it is a roadworthy vehicle. If in doubt, do not drive the vehicle. Ensure you have an adult leader by at least 1 exit in the back, and that there is nothing on the floor or loose.
Driving Licences There are a few complex exemptions for those who do not have D1 licences which permit them to drive a minibus. All the following conditions must be met: The driver has held a full B licence for a total of at least 2 years The driver is aged 21 and over The driver receives no payment or other consideration for driving the vehicle other than out-of pocket expenses The vehicle weighs no more than 3500 kg If aged 70 or over, the driver has passed a medical examination to PCV standards
Seat Belts Always insist on seat belts being worn. From September 18 th 2006 new regulations govern the wearing of seatbelts and use of child restraints in private cars: AgeWeightHeightFront SeatRear Seat* 9-12mnths <13kgRear facing baby seatRear facing baby seat* 1-3yrs9-18kgFront facing child seatFront facing child seat* 3-4 yrs9-18kgFront facing child seatFront facing child seat** 4-6 yrs>15kg<135cmBooster seatBooster seat** 6-12 yrs>22kg<135cmBooster cushionBooster cushion** yrsAdult seat beltAdult seat belt 14yrs+Adult seat belt***Adult seat belt*** Key: * correct child restraint must be worn unless in a taxi and child restraint not available when child may travel unrestrained in the rear of the car. ** correct child restraint must be worn where seat belts are fitted. The child may use an adult belt in a rear seat if the correct restraint is not available IF a) they are in a taxi, b) it is a short, unexpected journey or c) two occupied child restraints prevent fitting a third. ***until age 14 the responsibility for wearing a seatbelt rests with the driver