Raimi & Associates, Inc. LEED-ND: A TOOL FOR PUBLIC HEALTH, ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND COMMUNITY DESIGN Comprehensive Planning for Healthy Cities and Communities October 26, 2006
Raimi & Associates, Inc. AGENDA LEED Rating System (5 min) LEED-ND Overview (5 min) Public Health and the Built Environment: Report Summary (5 min) LEED-ND Rating System (20 min) Implications for Comprehensive Plans (10 min)
Raimi & Associates, Inc. WHAT IS LEED? Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Developed by the US Green Building Council A leading-edge system for designing, constructing, operating and certifying the world’s greenest buildings. Goal: TRANSFORM THE MARKET! 289 Certified Projects 2,069 Registered Projects
Raimi & Associates, Inc. LEED PRODUCTS LEED-NC: LEED for New Construction and Major Renovations/Additions (for commercial and institutional buildings, released in 2000) LEED-EB: LEED for Existing Buildings (released 2004) LEED-CI: LEED for Commercial Interiors (released 2004) LEED-CS: LEED for Core and Shell (public release: 2005) LEED-H: LEED for Homes (public release: 2006) LEED-ND: LEED for Neighborhood Developments (public release: 2006)
Raimi & Associates, Inc. WHAT IS LEED-ND? ND = Neighborhood Developments A LEED rating system being developed through a partnership between: US Green Building Council Natural Resources Defense Council (Smart Growth) Congress for the New Urbanism A rating system that combines elements of smart growth, urbanism, and green building
Raimi & Associates, Inc. LEED-ND TIMELINE Partnership began Core Committee formed May 2005 – Draft Public Health Indicators Report Sept 2005 – Public Comment Period on Draft Rating System Fall 2005 – Fall 2006 – Revisions to Rating System Based on Public Comments Pilot-Test Projects (2007) Refine Rating System (2008) LEED-ND Launch (2009)
Raimi & Associates, Inc. HOW GREEN ARE THESE PROJECTS?
Raimi & Associates, Inc. WHY IS LEED-ND NEEDED? Land Use Patterns Impacts Natural Environment Natural Resources Energy Use Transportation Patterns and Choices Public Health Social Networks
Raimi & Associates, Inc. LAND CONSUMPTION Increase in developed land from 1982 – 1997: 34% Average annual increase in developed land: 2.3 to 2.6% Increase in urbanized land relative to population growth: 2.65 times
Raimi & Associates, Inc. LAND CONSUMPTION California Paves or Builds on over 400 acres daily
Raimi & Associates, Inc. DRIVING
Raimi & Associates, Inc. DRIVING Annual growth in VMT: 3.1 % Average time commuters spend in traffic: 36 hours per year Total pavement in US: 34,500 square miles (think Illinois!) Miles of public roadways: 4 million
Raimi & Associates, Inc. CLIMATE CHANGE Air temperature has risen 0.5 to 1.1 degrees since the late 19th Century 20th Century was warmest on record since 1400 Sea level has risen 10 cm in last 100 years
Raimi & Associates, Inc. WILDLIFE Number of species of plants and animals native to US: 20,500 Plants and animals threatened with extinction: 32 % Development encroaching on wildlife
Raimi & Associates, Inc. CHARACTER-LESS PLACES
Raimi & Associates, Inc. PUBLIC HEALTH - OBESITY TRENDS IN ADULTS (*BMI 30, or about 30 lbs overweight for 5’4” person) No Data <10% 10%–14% 15%–19% 20%–24% ≥25% 2004
Raimi & Associates, Inc. RESEARCH OVERVIEW Public Health Areas Studied Physical Fitness Cardiovascular and Respiratory Health Traffic Accidents Social Capital Mental Health
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Regional location Population and employment density Mix of land uses More types of land uses More retail land uses Transit access and availability Connectivity BUILT ENVIRONMENT CHARACTERISTICS
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Access to parks and trails Slower speeds on roads Sidewalks, crosswalks Attractive and interesting streets Bike lanes, bike trails and safe bike storage BUILT ENVIRONMENT CHARACTERISTICS
Raimi & Associates, Inc. ORGANIZATION 3 Categories Smart Location and Linkage Neighborhood Pattern and Design Green Construction and Technology Prerequisites and Credits 9 Prerequisites 47 Credits 100 Points Total
Raimi & Associates, Inc. PREREQUISITES Smart Location Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Imperiled Species and Ecological Communities Wetland and Water Body Conservation Agricultural Land Conservation Floodplain Avoidance Open Community Compact Development Construction Activity Pollution Prevention
Raimi & Associates, Inc. SMART LOCATION Locate on an “Infill” site. OR Locate near transit - 50% of DU’s or building entrances within ¼ mile walk of bus or ½ mile walk of BRT, light rail, heavy rail or ferry. OR Locate near mix of uses - ¼ mile walk distance of 4 uses or ½ mile walk distance of 6 uses OR Lower VMT Rates - Prove that the average rate of VMT per occupant of the project is lower (or will be lower) than the average rate for the metro region as a whole
Raimi & Associates, Inc. COMPACT DEVELOPMENT Average residential density of 7 DUs per acre or greater AND Average non-residential FAR of 0.50 or greater
Raimi & Associates, Inc. SMART LOCATION AND LINKAGE CREDITS Brownfields Redevelopment Preferred Locations Reduced Automobile Dependence Bicycle Network Housing and Jobs Proximity School Proximity Steep Slope Preservation Site Design for Habitat or Wetland Conservation Restoration of Wetlands or Habitat Conservation Management of Habitat or Wetlands
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Project Location Infill and previously developed Infill only Adjacent and previously developed Previously developed only Adjacent only AND Street Network Grid Density (street centerline miles per square mile) 40 + PREFERRED LOCATIONS (10 points)
Raimi & Associates, Inc. PREFERRED LOCATIONS (10 points)
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Locate near transit OR Locate in area with lower than average VMT AND car sharing (1 point) Total rides available per weekdayPoints earned 60 – – – — or more6 Percent of average regional per capita VMT or SOV mode sharePoints earned 71% to 80%2 61% to 70%3 51% to 60%4 41% to 50%5 40% or less6 REDUCED AUTO DEPENDENCE (7 points)
Raimi & Associates, Inc. NEIGHBORHOOD PATTERN AND DESIGN CREDITS Compact Development Diversity of Uses Diversity of Housing Types Affordable Rental and For Sale Housing Reduced Parking Footprint Walkable Streets Street Network
Raimi & Associates, Inc. NEIGHBORHOOD PATTERN AND DESIGN CREDITS Transit Facilities Transportation Demand Management Access to Surrounding Vicinity Access to Public Spaces Universal Accessibility Local Food Production Community Outreach and Involvement
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Entry location Building height-to-width ratio Sidewalks Street design speed Building setback Street-level building facades On-street parking Ground floor retail Street trees WALKABLE STREETS (8 points)
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Residential Density (DU/acre)Non-residential Density (FAR).Points Available 10 to to < to to < to to < to to < to 60≥ 2.5 and higher5 61 to 70≥ 2.5 and higher6 > 71≥ 2.5 and higher7 COMPACT DEVELOPMENT (7points)
Raimi & Associates, Inc. AFFORDABLE HOUSING Affordable Rental Housing 15% of rental units at 50% area median income (AMI) 30% at up to 80% AMI 1 point each; 2 for both Affordable For-Sale Housing 10% of for-sale housing at up to 80% AMI 20% at up to 120% AMI 1 point each; 2 for both
Raimi & Associates, Inc. LOCAL FOOD PRODUCTION Allow food-producing gardens AND Option 1: Dedicate space to neighborhood farms and gardens Option 2: Purchase shares in a local Community Supported Agriculture Program Option 3: Locate within ¼ mile of an existing farmers market.
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Locate project within a 1/2 mile walk distance of 2 uses (1 point) 4 uses (2 points) 7 uses (3 points) 10 uses (4 points) List of uses are defined as those that reduce auto use and increase walking DIVERSITY OF USES (4 points)
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Certified Green Buildings Energy Efficiency in Buildings Reduced Water Use Building Reuse and Adaptive Reuse Reuse of Historic Buildings Minimize Site Disturbance Through Site Design Minimize Site Disturbance During Construction GREEN CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNOLOGY CREDITS
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Contaminant Reduction in Brownfield Remediation Stormwater Management Heat Island Reduction Solar Orientation On-Site Power Generation On-Site Renewable Energy Sources District Heating and Cooling Infrastructure Energy Efficiency GREEN CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNOLOGY CREDITS
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Wastewater Management Recycled Content and Reused Materials Construction Waste Management Comprehensive Waste Management Light Pollution Reduction GREEN CONSTRUCTION AND TECHNOLOGY CREDITS
Raimi & Associates, Inc. CASE STUDIES Dockside Green, Victoria, BC 11-acre brownfield site located in the heart of the City of Victoria Four distinct character areas for a comprehensive mix of uses
Raimi & Associates, Inc. CASE STUDIES Dockside Green, Victoria, BC Carshare program & mini-transit On-site renewable energy Potable water use reduction in buildings 100% sewage treatment on-site No potable water use for irrigation Green roofs LEED buildings
Raimi & Associates, Inc. CASE STUDIES Dockside Green, Victoria, BC Market assisted housing Community advisory group Large plaza/community amphitheater North / south trail connection through the middle of the site
Raimi & Associates, Inc. CASE STUDIES King Farm, Rockville, MD 430 acres near existing development Mixed-use, TND with historic architectural characteristics of the City of Rockville
Raimi & Associates, Inc. CASE STUDIES King Farm, Rockville, MD Community shuttle bus Locally provided materials Adjacent to Shady Grove Metro station Tree plantings Affordable housing Integrated network of sidewalks Numerous pocket parks Most homes with shallow setbacks and front porches
Raimi & Associates, Inc. CASE STUDIES - SCORECARD Dockside Green King Farm Prerequisites Location Efficiency2/2 Environmental Preservation5/54/5 (unless easement is purchased) Compact, Complete & Connected Neighborhood(s) 3/3 Resource Efficiency0/0 Totals10/109/10
Raimi & Associates, Inc. CASE STUDIES - SCORECARD Dockside Green King Farm Credits Location Efficiency25/2813/28 Environmental Preservation10/136/13 Compact, Complete & Connected Neighborhood(s) 27/4221/42 Resource Efficiency21/253/25 Innovation & Accredited Professionals5/64/6 Totals88/114 Gold 47/114 Certified
Raimi & Associates, Inc. 100 Points Total Points By Category Smart Location and Linkage (30 points) Neighborhood Pattern and Design (40 Points) Green Construction and Technology (30 Points) POINT ALLOCATION
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Preferred Locations (10) Walkable Streets (8) Compact Development (7) Reduce Automobile Dependence (7) Diversity of Uses (4) Housing and Jobs Proximity (3) Street Network (2) Bicycle Network (1) Access to Surrounding Vicinity (1) Access to Public Spaces (1) Access to Active Public Spaces (1) CREDITS WITH GREATEST IMPACT ON HEALTH
Raimi & Associates, Inc. 3-STAGE CERTIFICATION 1.Preliminary Review – Pre-entitlement 2.Plan Certification – Post Entitlement 3.Certification of Completed Neighborhood Development – Post Construction
Raimi & Associates, Inc. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK 4 Goals Efficient growth Multimodal transportation Housing choices Natural resource protection Required Components Land Use Transportation Water Resources Parks and Open Space Implementation
Raimi & Associates, Inc. #1: FOCUS AT A VARIETY OF SCALES Region: Metropolis, City and Town Neighborhood, District and Corridor Block, Street, Building
Raimi & Associates, Inc. #2: LOCATE DEVELOPMENT IN APPROPRIATE LOCATIONS Downtowns Corridors Mixed use centers Transit-oriented development
Raimi & Associates, Inc. #3: UNDERSTAND BUILDING BLOCKS OF COMMUNITY Divide city into its component parts Map land use, design and form characteristics Understand differences and similarities; strengths and issues Understand if, how and when areas will change or stay the same
Raimi & Associates, Inc.
#4: REDUCE RELIANCE ON LAND USE MAP Map future patterns and structures to better represent Mixed use Transportation and land use integration Relationship between urban and rural Desired character and function of different parts of the city Focus on 3 dimensional results of 2 dimensional plan
Raimi & Associates, Inc.
#5: THINK IN NEW WAYS ABOUT INFRASTRUCTURE Think in new (and old) ways about infrastructure Treat streets and transit as shapers of place Design networks to support walkability and desired block pattern Create a foundation for context sensitive design Address connectivity Plan for transit service
Raimi & Associates, Inc. #6: INCORPORATE HEALTH THROUGHOUT PLAN Add chapter on public health Incorporate health into all components Parks and Recreation Open Space Protection Housing Plan for implementation Zoning (form-based and conventional) Government budgets Street standards Design guidelines
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Built Environment is strongly linked to health outcomes LEED-ND can be used as a public health tool LEED-ND and health report can be used to guide planning and budgeting decisions Comprehensive plans District/neighborhood plans Street design standards Parks and open space plans Indicators for change Budget priorities of governments CONCLUSIONS
Raimi & Associates, Inc. Matt Raimi Raimi & Associates, Inc OR FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION