Jeanne M Harper
I feel every meeting gets me in a deeper relationship with God. Every meeting we have an opening prayer and a closing prayer. Morgan I joined because my friends did...we should meet 3x a month! Robbie Jeanne M Harper
Reflecting on the Gospel, Reflections and Meditations… Helps me understand it better. Little things we do can mean a lot to someone else. Robbie Every meeting we have a Sunday gospel to read and to reflect on. We discuss what the gospel means to us. This helps us to a kind of piece together what God is asking us to do in the society and gets us closer to being with him in heaven. Henry Jeanne M Harper
An Essential Elements Of The Society: Spirituality 6-09 GB Diocese Showing Christ’s Face To The Needy Seeing Christ’s Face In The Needy Evangelization By Example Praying With Those In Need Prayer, Meditation, Discussion
6-09 GB Diocese Person To Person Relationship W/Needy Home Visitation To Maintain The Dignity Of The Needy Working Together On Special Projects Collaboration With Other Conferences Praying Together At Retreats, Events & Meetings Friendship/Fellowship
Service/Charity 6-09 GB Diocese Material Assistance (Food Clothing Furniture) Financial Assistance (Rent Utilities Travel) 100 % Volunteers Special Works (Stores Pantries Housing)
At the beginning of the year in religion class we were reading this magazine that talked about kids making a difference in the world, and we said that we should do an outreach project like that. Henry Jeanne M Harper
Filling the SSVdP Pantry Jeanne M Harper
School Service Project Thanks to my religion teacher, Mrs. Ellison, I got to work at the Saint Vincent de Paul Store. I had fun when I did that, so I decided I should join…The Society. Morgan..Help on projects like painting the stairs, or stocking the food pantry, or just carrying boxes around upstairs. Henry Jeanne M Harper
My favorite part being in SSVdP is helping the poor, and being in a deeper relationship with God. You don’t only act as God or Jesus would in the meetings and working at the store but you also help people in public because that is what Jesus would do… Morgan Jeanne M Harper
Food pantry and working at the store…make me feel like I am really doing something and not just sitting around. Robbie Jeanne M Harper
Reasons I like to work at the store is… because it is a good feeling to be helping people and having fun at the same time. When we are at the food pantry we go down stairs, pick up what we are having a shortage on in the pantry, bring it up and restock the shelves and the cooler. Henry Jeanne M Harper
Voice of the Poor – Catholic Social Teaching…Catholics at the Capitol… We learned a lot about issues on the government’s side and on the Christian side. Henry and Alyssa Jeanne M Harper
Youth & Young Vincentian Fall Calendar: SSVdP Youth & Young Vincentian Conference Meeting --Twice a month during school year lunch time for high school at 11:04 followed by lunch time for middle school September 27 th FRIENDS OF THE POOR Walk 4:00 registration – raising money for the poor – Get Donations and bring sheet and $$ October 11 th Help with Suicide Prevention Network’s EMBRACE LIFE Walk– Raising donations for prevention programs – Forms will be in the office after October 1 st. October 17 th Help deliver BSA food donation bags in Marinette October 24 th Pick up filled BSA food donation bags – sort cans – and deliver to the SSVdP Food Pantry October 10th – Collect Food during before the TimberJacks game – TACKLING HUNGER November - Sell YOUNKERS Community Day coupon books December – Help with Christmas Basket Program Jeanne M Harper
Being a Vincentian is about acting and behaving as Jesus did… We do all we can to help the poor, needy, helpless, suffering, and the deprived, so that they can live life knowing there is someone that can help in some way. We also need to pray to God for forgiveness and to ask him for help. We believe that all people make mistakes and that nobody is perfect or ever will be except God. Morgan Jeanne M Harper
Fun while we work & help… We have so much fun talking while we work and sometimes singing, while helping people at the same time. We also have fun just looking around the store when we are done. Henry I liked helping after school when we painted the steps. I like doing things that makes me think and be artistic. Alyssa Jeanne M Harper
The poor will disturb our consciences… It is THEY who can light a fire which does not go out!
Jeanne M Harper Serving the poor is an opportunity to encounter the suffering Christ – to see His face in them – to make the love of God a reality in their lives
6-09 GB Diocese
Jeanne M Harper Faith: Fire in our Hearts Comes from loving openly the Christ in others so that it can take hold in own heart!
Jeanne M Harper