An interactive vocabulary game Government Sydney, Zach, Mason, Shanilyn, Max, and Chance
Vocabulary List: 1.Announced 2.Elect 3.Estimate 4.Decision 5.Government 6.Candidates 7.Convince 8.Independent
Vocabulary Words AnnouncedElect EstimateDecisions Government Candidates Convince Independent
Definition to say something to give a speech to the audience Announced I announced “free candy” to the audience. Vocabulary List
Definition to choose by voting Elect I elect the president of the world. Vocabulary List
Definition To guess an amount Estimate I estimate how long the school is. Vocabulary List
Decisions to choose Decisions I made a decision to go to the movie theater. Vocabulary List
Definition the people who guide a city, state, or country Government The government takes good care of people. Vocabulary List
Definition the people who are running for a position Candidates The candidates are trying to be the president of the school Vocabulary List
Convince Definition to get someone to believe you I’m going to convince you to vote for me. Vocabulary List
Definition Doing things by yourself You’re smart enough to do something on your own Return to Grid Independent I am independent when I do my chores by myself Vocabulary List