Overview: 5 th Grade Art curriculum studies Claude Monet Each grade does at least one computer based project 2-3 Day s (60 min each)


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Presentation transcript:

Overview: 5 th Grade Art curriculum studies Claude Monet Each grade does at least one computer based project 2-3 Day s (60 min each)

Objectives: Learn about and apply Monet’s style and technique in an Art project. Learn about the program Paint and use it to create Digital Art. Students will learn about the French Impressionist Painter Claude Monet. Students will learn about the Art Style of Impressionism. Students will view many reproductions of Monet’s work and analyze his work using Feldman model. Students will explore and use the computer program Paint to create digital Art. Students will create their own Digital Artwork using Monet as inspiration. Students will critique their Monet Digital Art.

Standards Subject Specific: A.8.1 Develop a mental storehouse of images A.8.2 Learn appropriate vocabulary related to their study of art A.8.4 Know about some styles of art from various times B.8.6 Know how to describe, analyze, interpret, and judge art images and objects from various cultures, artists, and designers C.8.5 Use thumbnail sketches to experiment and start developing visual ideas D.8.5 Learn common language in art, such as abstraction, representation, impressionism, reproduction, serigraphy, sculpture, graphic design, construction, and aesthetics E.8.2 Communicate complex ideas by producing design art forms, such as graphic design, product design, architecture, landscape, and media arts, such as film, photography, and multimedia F.8.6 Create media works with a range of media techniques J.8.9 Understand the difference between original artworks, reproductions, and copies J.8.10 Develop the ability to reflect and talk about works of art Technology Specific: A.8.1 Use common media and technology terminology and Equipment A.8.5 Use media and technology to create and present Information A.8.6 Evaluate the use of media and technology in a production or presentation

Assessment: Following Directions Respect Skill Development Participation 4: Exceeds Expectations 3: Meets Expectations 2: Sometimes Meets Expectations 1: Doesn’t Meet Expectations

Project Example:

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