Genetic Variations Resources May 15, 2013 Ansuman Chattopadhyay, PhD, Head Molecular Biology Information Service Health Sciences Library System University of Pittsburgh
Objective Human genetic variations Genetic variations databases Functional analysis of mutations/SNPs
Topics Databases: dbSNP db GAP GenPheni DGV Decipher OMIM HGMD Regulome db Tools HugeNavigator FastSNP SPOT GenomeTrax
Human Genetic Variations 1bp 1kb 1Mb >5Mb Duplications Deletions Insertions
Human Genome Variations 321,340,1 bp (0.11 % of the genome) : SNPs 40,568,593 bp (1.35% of the genome) : CNVs Scherer, S.W. (2009), "Copy number variation", in Scherer, S. (ed.), Copy Number Variation:, The Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection, Henry Stewart Talks Ltd, London
SNP Facts
Life Cycle of SNPs and Mutations Mutation/ Private SNP SNPs
Classifications of SNPs Genomic location based
Classifications of SNPs Nucleotide substitution based
Polymorphisms and Disease Markers
International Hap Map Project Whole-genome genotyping of 10 million SNPs Technologically daunting Prohibitively expensive Researchers tried to downsize the problem of genome-wide genotyping by studying haplotypes. A haplotype is a contiguous, linear set of SNP alleles along a genome that is inherited as a block.
The Origin of Haplotype
Haplotype Blocks
Haplotype and Tag SNPs
Hap Map Population
Bioinformatics Institutions
dbSNP Stats as of January 25,
Current Status of dbSNP MassGenomics blog by Dan Koboldt
dbSNP Data Types
Ref SNP : rs
Genetic Terminologies
Ref SNP : rs
Submitted SNP: ss
SNPedia and NextBio
Searching dbSNP Identify SNPs present in a gene sequence SNPs reported to be present in a genomic region
Searching dbSNP UCSC Genome Browser UCSC Table Browser NCBI dbSNP page
Searching dbSNP
dbSNP Search result Display
GWAS Plot Each SNP is assessed for ‘‘genome-wide’’ significance, after Bonferroni correction.
Publications on HapMap Hap map GWAS
Genome Wide Association Studies
Find SNPs for a Disease/Trait CDC developed HuGENavigator :
GWAS Integrator
What SNPs are associated with “asthma”?
GWAS Integrator : rs rs
GWAS Integrator What SNPs are associated with “asthma”?
GWAS Integrator
GWAS Integrator : rs rs Ref: Moffatt Mf etal. childhood asthma. Nature Jul 26;448(7152): Epub 2007 Jul 4. PubMed PMID:
GWAS Integrator : rs rs
Find associated Genes for a Disease/Trait
Gene Prospector: Asthma
HuGE Navigator An integrated, searchable knowledge base of genetic associations and human genome epidemiology
Clinically Associated Mutations OMIM HGMD
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
Epigenome and Encyclopedia of DNA Elements Project
Spatiotemporal gene expression TP53 EGFR
A movie on regulated transcription
Epigenetic mechanisms Source: NCBI
Genome in 3D
Chromatin Immuno-Precititation-Seq (ChIP-Seq)
Epigenetic Markers Landmark Paper :
Histone Modifications
Encode Project
Regulome db Search rs rs
Hands-on Exercise on Searching dbSNP Mutations in the human BRCA1 gene are reported to be associated with the early onset of breast cancer. How many coding nonsynonimous SNPs have been reported to be associated with this gene? How many of these SNPs shows >40% heterozygosity? Pick a SNP from the list and find the position of its protein sequence, which shows aa change due to this SNP. How many in dels are reported to be present in the chromosome chr21: region 33,031,597-33,041,570 ?
Hands –On Exercise Identify genes and SNPs associated with your disease/trait of interest Crohn’s disease, Prostate cancer, LDL cholesterol
Structural Variations ABC ABCBB ABC AC ADCB Normal Duplication Inversion Deletion Insertion CNV
Structural Variations
Structural Variations Databases Database of Genome Variations (DGV) dbVar DECIPHER dbRIP Mitelman Breakpoint Database
DGV :Genome wide view
DGV: Chr 1
Hands-on Exercise Is the CETN1 or Grip1 gene located in a region that is copy number variable? Are there any other genes in this region? Can you find any Inversions or In Dels there as well? What is the frequency of the CNV reported in the study population?
DGV Genome Browser
DGV: Genome Browser
DECIPHER Syndrome Report
Structural Variations Databases Genome Variation Database (DGV) dbVar DECIPHER dbRIP Mitelman Breakpoint Database
Mitelman Breakpoint
Hands-On Exercise Generate an integrated variation map with reference SNPs, Mitelman breakpoints and OMIM diseases for chromosome 17; region 7773, ,000 bp. What gene(s) have you found in this region? Answer key:
Map Viewer Setup
Map Viewer Setup
Genetic Variations Map
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM)
UCSC Table Browser
Hands-on Exercise Find all human genes which have only one exon. How many of these also show CNVs? Tips: Use UCSC Table Browser
Biobase Genome Trax and HGMD
Variant File : VCF
GenomeTrax Input
GenomeTrax Result
Functional Analysis of SNPs
SNPs and the Structure of a Gene
Decision Tree for SNP Analysis
Exonic Splicing Enhancer/Silencer
Functional Analysis of SNPs A gene variant primarily found in African Americans, that slightly increases the risk for developing an irregular heartbeat, known as arrhythmia. The variant occurs in the cardiac sodium channel gene SCN5A which results a change of amino acid at the position of 1102 from serine to tyrosine (S To Y). Can you predict the effect of this non-synonymous SNP (rs ). Answer
Functional Analysis of SNPs
Entrez SNP - Search Entrez SNP by refSNP ID to find SNP information. Entrez SNP Entrez Protein - Find protein information including its amino acid sequence and the presence of functional domains Entrez Protein NCBI Amino Acid Explorer - Compare amino acids in terms of physyo-chemical properties NCBI Amino Acid Explorer NCBI Mutation Analyzer - Predict the effect of amino acid change on the protein structure NCBI Mutation Analyzer TMHMM Server v Predict the presence of transmembrane helix in a protein sequence TMHMM Server v. 2.0 Russel etal., Amino Acid Properties Table - Predict the effect of amino acid change on the protein structure Russel etal., Amino Acid Properties Table
SNP Gene View for SCN5A
Multiple Sequence Alignment
Amino Acids Comparison NCBI Amino Acid Explorer
Compare Amino Acids Properties Amino Acid Properties Table:
Amino Acids Substitution Preference
Tools for Amino Acid Substitution Effect Prediction SIFT PolyPhen SNPs3D pMUT
Comparison of AAS prediction tools Pauline C. Ng and Steven Henikoff, Annu. Rev. Genomics Hum. Genet :61–80
Tools on Functional SNP Analysis Search.HSLS MolBio link meta?v%3aproject=BioInfoTools&v%3afile=viv_B7AUre&v%3aframe=list&v%3astate=root%7cN891&id=N891&act ion=list& meta?v%3aproject=BioInfoTools&v%3afile=viv_B7AUre&v%3aframe=list&v%3astate=root%7cN891&id=N891&act ion=list& FASTSNP -- an always up-to-date and extendable service for SNP function analysis and prioritization F-SNP: computationally predicted functional SNPs for disease association studies.
FASTSNP Analysis
FASTSNP Analysis
F-SNP : A Collection of Functional SNPs Specifically Prioritized for Disease Association studies
F-SNP : A Collection of Functional SNPs Specifically Prioritized for Disease Association Studies
Tutorials and References Advanced Course on NCBI Resources (Browser: IE, select.html format) Predictive Functional Analysis of Polymorphisms: An Overview Predictive Functional Analysis of Polymorphisms: An Overview Authors:Michael R. Barnes Book:Bioinformatics for Geneticists Source:Wiley InterScience: Online Books Functional In Silico Analysis of Non-Coding SNPs Authors:Thomas Werner Book:Bioinformatics for Geneticists Source:Wiley InterScience: Online Books Predicting the Effects of Amino Acid Substitutions on Protein Function Predicting the Effects of Amino Acid Substitutions on Protein Function Pauline C. Ng and Steven Henikoff Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle,Washington 98109;
Thank you! Any questions? Carrie IwemaAnsuman Chattopadhyay