Soft Skills Training for the Workplace Micro-module #1: The Importance of Body Language
2 Training Objectives This soft skills micro-module is designed for participants who desire a quick, instant-access training module to learn more about behavior in the workplace. After completion of this training module, you will be more familiar with how your body language affects relationships in the workplace. All participants will be required to answer quiz questions in order to receive credit for your participation. Navigational buttons to move forward/back/home.
3 People receive messages in the following ways 55% from BODY LANGUAGE 38% from TONE OF VOICE 7% from WORDS spoken
4 Primary Aspects of Body Language EYE TO EYE ▫ One of the most powerful of all body language skills ABOUT FACE ▫ Like a billboard everyone can tell whether you’re happy, sad, excited, and so on ▫ Treat each interaction like its your first of the day ▫ Customers don’t care if you’ve had a bad day
5 Primary Aspects of Body Language FROM THE WAIST UP ▫ NOD – shows understanding without interruption ▫ FACE THE CUSTOMER – they have your FULL attention ▫ LEAN FORWARD – interest in what’s said HAND GESTURES ▫ HANDS & OBJECTS using “props” Tapping fingers Clicking pen ▫ HANDS ALONE Open-hand- more gracious, softer Closed-handed- rude and intimidating
6 Primary Aspects of Body Language A TOUCHY SUBJECT ▫ HANDSHAKING – most acceptable form of touching in the USA ▫ Most non-threatening place to touch another person – between elbow and wrist “EXCUSE ME, YOU’RE STANDING IN MY SPACE” ▫ PERSONAL SPACE – the distance that feels comfortable between two people
7 3 SPATIAL ZONES ZONE ONE: INTIMATE (0 – 2 FEET) ▫ Romantic partners, family members, children & close friends. ZONE TWO: PERSONAL (2 – 4 FEET) ▫ Most conversations take place here ▫ Most comfortable distance ZONE THREE: SOCIAL (4 FEET OR MORE) ▫ ON STAGE range mainly used by instructors, presenters and teachers
8 The WORDS spoken have the greatest impact in any conversation. TRUEFALSE
9 The WORDS that are spoken in a conversation have the least amount of impact. The tone of your voice, and body language have the greatest impact. ANSWERED FALSE?
10 The WORDS that are spoken in a conversation have the least amount of impact. The tone of your voice, and body language have the greatest impact. Answered True?
11 The “Intimate Zone” is place where most work conversations should take place? TRUEFALSE
12 The Intimate Zone is reserved for romantic partners, family members, children & close friends. Most business conversations should take place in the Personal Zone. ANSWERED FALSE?
13 The Intimate Zone is reserved for romantic partners, family members, children & close friends. Most business conversations should take place in the Personal Zone. ANSWERED TRUE?
14 Thank you for participating!